Welcome to the Club Friends!

 Welcome to Kim Kulture Club Musings! I'm so happy that you've decided to join me on this journey. We're going to explore a lot ...

We’re Driving Where?!?!?!?!

My family thinks I’m crazy. They might be right this time, but the elephant is already in the room – we can’t really ignore it now.

{REWIND: We’re planning an epic trip – one we’ve been saving for a long time to be able to do – and we’re in the planning phase now. Super excited. What would make a trip to Disney World even more fun? Driving from Idaho to Florida. Yep, I said it. “Let’s drive – it’ll be fun.” Just under 3000 miles one way, leaving home on Memorial Day Weekend  – what could go wrong?}

Our journey finds us starting out the evening of the very last day of school. The plan is to drive all night long (Friday), taking turns and go as far as we can towards our first real stop, New Orleans. Sure there are quicker routes to take but if you’re going to be that close, you kind of have to visit the Big Easy. For the first leg of the journey, nothing is set in stone and it’s constantly changing due to the weather (tornado season is in full swing). We’re leaving on Friday night and we have to be in Orlando Monday. No problem.

The first part of the journey is relatively uneventful. We leave Idaho, stop in Utah to grab dinner, continue on through Wyoming and Colorado. We were making pretty good time and stopped somewhere in Southern Colorado at a Subway for breakfast to go. (Gotta keep moving!) I’m pretty sure one of the requirements to work there is you had to be high. No joke, but hey the sandwiches were good! Ha!

On into Oklahoma (with me singing songs from the musical and my kids groaning in the backseat) and down into Texas. We’ve been watching the sky pretty closely – we’re well aware of where we are, what time of year it is and the dark clouds not too far away. As we’re driving through Dumas, TX I hear something I’ve never heard before – tornado sirens – and I have no idea what to do. We pull over, listen to the warnings and decide to go for it. (My husband is a former truck driver so he’s done this before, me not so much.) There’s a pretty good chance if we stay where we are we’re going to be directly in the path, but if we keep going there’s a good chance we’ll miss it. Yeah…in theory that was a good idea.

I drove as far as I could on the freeway that was covered in water and getting deeper by the second, with windshield wipers that couldn’t even make a dent in what was pouring from the sky, gale force winds and then the hail started. All around me everyone is stopping. Not pulling over, not looking for a side road, just stopping wherever they can so I do the same. I will never forget looking in my rearview mirror and seeing the look of terror on my kids’ faces and knowing there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to protect them from the beast that was tearing things up outside the passengers side window. I don’t know if it touched down, but we watched it spinning and spinning and moving back towards Dumas. My car (over a year later) is still covered with dents from the hail and how my windshield didn’t crack from the ferocity of those giant ice balls is nothing short of a miracle. I don’t know how long we sat there, but it honestly felt as if time stopped. I do not ever want to experience anything like that again and my heart goes out to the people that live under the threat of those things year after year.

As soon as I could make out some semblance of a road, I took off and got out of there as fast as we could! We got lost in Amarillo, got stopped in another flash flood in Vernon, almost ended up in a nasty pile up on the freeway in Dallas and found the very last hotel room available in Terrell on Saturday night,  but we survived our first 24 hours on the road. Whew!

The next day found us in Louisiana. Now let me tell you, that state was nothing at all like I had imagined it would be. It was gorgeous – such a beautiful, lush, green, farmland filled area. (Much like East Texas – who knew???) We drove South as soon as we hit Louisiana and traveled across the Gulf. It was a beautiful drive.

New Orleans…ahhh….what a town! I’m glad for the experience, but I’m good with not going back. First, those above ground cemeteries? Ummm…no thank you! I kept envisioning them in a hurricane with crypts flying everywhere!  We finally made it through the crowds to The French Quarter and Bourbon Street. By the way, apparently Memorial Day is also Pride-Fest down there. I am NOT judging anyone for anything, but let me just say some things will never be unseen. Ha ha! The architecture was incredible, the people were crazy and Bourbon Street really does smell like 100 proof! After a little time there, we headed onward. So we thought. I may have taken a wrong turn and ended up somewhere I really didn’t want to be. Whoops! On the plus side, in our driving all over we had to stop so Kareem Abdul Jabar could cross the road in front of us. For reals – man, that guy is tall!

Out of the chaos, we discovered the Gulf Coast and followed it around into Mississippi. We ended up having dinner at sunset at Shaggy’s on the Gulf. It was here, the love of the Shrimp Po’ Boy was born! It was also here that we discovered remoulade. The waiter explained what it was and I replied "Oh so like a kicked up fry sauce?" He looked at me like I was speaking in a foreign language. Ha ha! I forget fry sauce is kind of a regional thing too. But yes, remoulade is a kicked up cajun-ified fry sauce. And it's good!

That Sunday night we bedded down in Pascagoula after watching a scuffle at the gas station next to our hotel with a convenience store clerk and someone trying to pass fake $5 bills…we headed for the hotel as soon as the cops started pulling in. Never dull with us.

Monday morning, let’s get this party on the road! Off through Alabama (the welcome signs actually say “Sweet Home Alabama”! Love it!) and on into Florida we go! Are you aware that not only can you buy a freeway pass at the welcome center, but they also have vending machines with ICE CREAM in them? Yeah! Stopped and ate BBQ along the way, but it was a relatively uneventful drive to Disney World in what was blossoming into a genuine heatwave.

Idaho to Orlando in 3 days, totally do-able. No problem. Ha ha!

Great Grandma Emma's Coconut Cake

Have you ever had a family member that you’ve never met but feel a weird connection, a kinship to? I’d like to share with you a little bit about my connection and, as a reward, I’ll share one of her amazing recipes at the end.

I remember as a young child coming across a picture of my grandma’s and being utterly stunned. I took it to her and asked who that was because “I know her.” She chuckled and said “That’s not possible honey, that’s my mom and she was gone a long time before you were born. She was gone before your Dad was born.” Even as a child, I knew it all and I remember telling her she was wrong – I knew her. How I knew her I didn’t know, but looking in those eyes I just KNEW that I knew her. Yes, I know that’s crazy but the truth is that I’ve always felt that deep connection to my great grandmother that did, indeed, die many decades before I was born.

Emma Hamm Holt (yes, of the Hamm’s Beer family – that was her Uncle) was born in 1870 (we almost share a birthday – mine is 6 days after hers) and came from a large family. My grandma, Helen, was her third child (oldest girl) of ten children. They started their lives in Illinois, lived during the Dust Bowl in Kansas, Colorado for awhile and eventually ended up in Idaho where she would pass away in 1938. My great grandfather (whom it is said died of a broken heart) only lived about a year without his sweetheart.

Upon their passing, disposition of their belongings fell, for the most part, on my grandma’s shoulders. I always remember this big beautiful trunk in my grandma’s bedroom that contained all sorts of treasures – pictures, quilt pieces, patches from a Civil War uniform, jewelry, letters...all sorts of wonderful surprises. Two of my favorite things were the bodice from Emma’s wedding dress (she had a waist that was probably 18”, if that!) and a composition book.

The composition book is a treasure beyond measure to me. It is a hand-written book of recipes and helpful hints that Emma wrote. It is around 100 years old, written all in her own hand and is tucked safely away in my home now. The pages are old, worn, cracked around the edges and the ink is smeared in spots and the pages written in pencil have faded over the years. Also in that book are the remnants of an older book, written in different handwriting and written with a quill and ink from an inkwell. We believe it was written by Emma’s mom, Amanda, who passed away 4 months before my grandma’s birth in 1902. My best guess is that the smaller book was a wedding gift from Amanda to Emma for her wedding in 1895 – making it 125 years old.

In honor of World Coconut Day, I wanted to make Emma’s Coconut Cake. I carefully took the book from it’s safe place and found the recipe I needed. I also had both of my kids come look at it too because, honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever shared it with them. (I need to get each page laminated to preserve it better.) It was fun sharing it with them and reading some of the recipes. They got quite a laugh over how to use Cocaine to cure Shingles! It was a special moment to be able to share that with them and to see how much they appreciated how important it was to me.

The world right now is crazy and we need to take those opportunities to share special moments with our kids when we get the chance to. They need it, but so do we. If we don’t share these treasures, stories and memories with them they’ll never know.

Thank you for hanging with me as I shared a little about this special lady. Please enjoy her recipe and share it (and a story) with someone you love. Remember, this IS a homemade cake so it’s going to be a little heavier and denser than one made from a box. Enjoy!

Emma’s Coconut Cake


1 ½ C. Sugar

2/3 C. Butter, softened

1 C. Milk

3 Egg Whites, beaten until stiff peaks form

2 tsp. Baking Powder

3 C. Flour

Preheat oven to 350.

In a large bowl, cream Sugar & Butter together. Stir in Milk. Gently fold in beaten Egg Whites. Add Baking Powder & Flour. Mix well.

Split batter evenly between 3 round (8” or 9”) cake pans that have been greased and floured or sprayed with non-stick spray. Gently tap on counter to remove air bubbles.

Bake for 22-24 minutes. As soon as cakes come out, remove from pans and place on cooling rack.


2 Egg Whites

½ C. Sugar

3 T. Water


Beat your Egg Whites until stiff peaks form (I do this in the saucepan I’m going to use). Turn burner under saucepan to medium. Stir in Sugar and Water. Reduce heat to low and set a time for 7 minutes.

While frosting is cooking on stovetop, beat constantly. I used my electric mixer on high and still had some sticking to the pan – just do your best. Remove from heat when timer goes off. Frosting will be somewhere between the consistency of Marshmallow Creme and Whipped Cream.

To assemble cake, place 1 layer on serving dish. Spread with frosting and sprinkle coconut on top. Place 2nd layer on top of bottom layer. Spread with frosting and sprinkle coconut on top. Place 3rd layer on top of 2nd layer and, again, spread with frosting and sprinkle with coconut. The amount of coconut you use is entirely up to you and your tastes. Use remaining frosting down sides of cake.

Welcome to the Club Friends!

 Welcome to Kim Kulture Club Musings!

I'm so happy that you've decided to join me on this journey. We're going to explore a lot of fun things together: recipes, travel, thoughts, helpful hints, lessons learned, home remedies, crafts, traditions, lost arts, photography, entertainment, Disney and all sorts of fun things. All of the crazy things that make me, ME.

Please hop over to my Facebook or Instagram (Kim Kulture Club) and "like" or "follow" me for more updates. Also, we're starting to push material to the website (kimkulture.club) and there will be an opportunity down the road to become a "member" to receive special deals, promos and lots more! The website is a constantly changing and evolving page so check in often.

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This is a new and exciting adventure for me and I'm grateful for the love and support I'm seeing. I appreciate every one of you and am thankful for the time you're spending giving me feedback and encouragement.