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Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

Hot Chocolate


Pretty sure that smile says it all! Sometimes the only thing you need to fix whatever ails you is a good warm cup of hot chocolate. Were you aware that January 31st is set aside as National Hot Chocolate Day? Yes, it is. There's the excuse you were waiting for! (You're welcome!)

I know there are people that will argue that there's a difference between Cocoa and Hot Chocolate. Here's the truth: those people need to chill out and have a cup of whatever they want to call it. Ha! It's chocolate, it's made from cocoa beans and it's served hot. Same thing in my book.

To honor this day, I'm including our go-to recipes for Cocoa/Hot Chocolate. The first two are mixes. These are the kind that you make in bulk and store in an airtight container and use as you want. They make fantastic gifts too! A fancy jar with some homemade cocoa mix and a bottle of flavoring or a bag of marshmallows? Definite winner!

The third is a beautiful variation of the Cocoa you'll find at the Happiest Place on Earth.

All of these are basic recipes that don't require a lot of ingredients. They really are a blank slate that you can build upon. Like peppermint cocoa? Add Candy Canes or Peppermint Schnapps. Mexican Cocoa? Cinnamon & Cayenne. Coconut? Coconut syrup. The possibilities are endless and only limited by your imagination.

Recipes, Recipes & More Recipes!

We have a New Years tradition that we've done for forever that, no real shock, involves food. (Don't most GREAT celebrations involve food in some way?)

Every year to usher out the old & welcome the new, we celebrate with appetizers & dips. The way it usually works is the appetizers come out the evening of New Years Eve and we graze on them that night and the next day too. (Sometimes even longer depending on how crazy overboard I've gone! Ha ha!)

2020 has been a ride in more ways than I can even wrap my head around so I am more than happy to bid this year a fond adieu. Do I think 2021 will usher in like some winged angel? No. I think it'll be more of the same, but at least there's a chance it'll be an improvement. That's enough for me at this point.

Here are some of our favorite savory appetizer & dip recipes. (There are lots of sweet options on the website too!!!!) Please make, share and enjoy!

Blessings for whatever comes next!

National Cookie Day

Did you know that apparently it's a rule that if it's National Cookie Day that you must make cookies? It is. When I mentioned the day, the first thing out of my oldest son's mouth was "That means you're making cookies, right?" Hem-hawing about the answer was unacceptable. So...you can probably guess what I'm doing today. Ha ha! (Sometimes I'm a push-over...shhhhhh...they don't know that...or do they...)

In honor of this glorious day, here are some of our favorite recipes that we'd love for you to make and share with your loved ones. (And some super cute cookie jars!)  Let us know if you do - comments, feedback, likes, shares & follows are always appreciated!

Sunday Dinner!

Happiest of Sundays to you friends! I hope this weekend was an enjoyable one for you and you were able to find joy in whatever you did. My sweet kids took it upon themselves to get some Christmas decorations put up outside (they learned a hard lesson about why we check lights before we hang them from the roof, but whether they're lit or not there are lights out there and I love that they did that). 

Like every Sunday, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner with my parents and watched a silly movie together. Here are a couple of recipes from our Sunday dinner that I hope you enjoy. 


Scalloped Potatoes

Seafood Smorgasbord

 Hi friends! This weekend we changed things up a little with our Sunday Family Dinners. We did it on Saturday to try and lessen the chance of my parents having to drive in the snow. Ha!!! It was snowing when they left Saturday night and here it is, Sunday evening, and it's snowing again. I think someone forgot to tell Mother Nature it's too early for this stuff!

We did a whole Seafood Smorgasbord this weekend. So instead of your "normal" one recipe on Sunday, you're ending up with a whole mess of them. Enjoy! (And shout out to my mom who staged the picture at the top! Notice she put a little shrimp on her chowder and crossed the line into Slumgullion territory? More importantly? She liked my Remoulade and she does NOT do spicy. Ha ha!) Send some feedback. I love to hear from you guys. I really do.

Halloween Cookies


One of our family traditions at Halloween is baking Halloween Cookies. It started when I was a child with my grandma and has continued through the years. Yes, there's plenty of sugar to be had on Halloween but there's something special about cookies.

Today we made 3 different kinds of cookies.

First, we did Chocolate Chip Cookies but used M&M's instead of chocolate chips. (Those M&Ms were CRAZY hard to find in the stores this year too!)

Secondly, you'll find Witch Fingers. I found this recipe years ago and it's one that's seen a few tweaks and changes along the way. They aren't nearly as gruesome as you might imagine. They're actually a really good Pecan Shortbread Cookie that could EASILY be transformed into any shape for any occasion.

Finally, the cookie that started it all. My grandma's Famous Sugar Cookies. No, it's not an exaggeration to call them famous. If you ever had the privilege to be on the receiving end of her baking, no explanation is needed. It's not an easy recipe (especially when you roll them instead of drop them) and the dough has been sitting in my fridge for 2 days chilling, but it's worth it. 

Whatever you're doing this Halloween Weekend with your family, have fun and be safe. Memories matter. 

Halloween Feast!

 It wouldn't be Halloween Time around here without some fun and silly traditions. Yes, of course, some of those involve food!

Want to really freak your family out? The first time I made this no one really knew what to think about it. It was cool and gross and yummy and creepy all at the same time. Did it taste amazing? You bet it did, but you had to get over the idea that you were eating nasty looking FEETLOAF!

I used the same meatloaf recipe I always make, but took some creative liberties with the presentation. Bloody (ketchup) Bones (Onion Slices) protruding from the feet & Toenails (onion) in need of a pedicure and Toe Jam (mustard).

To go with the Feetloaf, Scalloped Potatoes are always a winner. No, I didn't do anything weird to them although I did consider putting some green food coloring in them. (I'm not sure even I could choke that one down! Ha ha!)

Finally, for dessert? There are a TON of options, but tonight I did something simple but oh so delicious. I made my undisputed world's best Chocolate Chip Cookies and used Halloween M&Ms in them instead of chocolate chips.

Best Ever Chocolate Chip Cookies

Disney Inspired Cinnamon Rolls

 Sometimes, no matter how good your own recipe is, you just NEED something a little different. Today was a Cinnamon Roll kind of day and I tried a new recipe.

Normally I take a recipe, play around with it, rework it a little and make it "mine." Not this time. Our friends at Disney Food Blog shared "Walt Disney World's Main Street Bakery Cinnamon Rolls." This recipe is all them and needs not a smidgen of adjustment. It is SOOOOO good! (This recipe is straight off their web site - see below, under the pictures for some links)


Cinnamon Rolls

1/2 cup warm water
2 packages yeast
2 tablespoons sugar
1 (3 1/2 ounce) package instant vanilla pudding
2 cups milk
1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
2 large eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon salt
8 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup unsalted butter, melted
2 cups brown sugar
2 tablespoons cinnamon

Cream Cheese Frosting
1 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened (room temperature)
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
3 cups powdered sugar
2 tablespoons milk


Cinnamon Rolls

1. In small bowl, combine water, yeast, and sugar.
2. Stir until dissolved and set aside.
3. In large bowl, mix pudding according to package instructions with milk.
4. Add 1/2 cup melted butter, egg, and salt. Mix well, then add yeast mixture and blend well.
5. Gradually add flour and knead until smooth.
6. Place in a very large greased bowl.
7. Cover and let rise in a warm place until double in size.
8. Punch down and let rise again for second time.
9. Roll dough on a very large floured surface.
10. Dough should roll out to a long rectangle, about 34 x 21 inches in size.
11. Take the 1 cup of melted butter and use a pastry brush to spread over entire dough surface.
12. In small bowl, mix together the brown sugar and cinnamon.
13. Sprinkle over top of buttered dough. Roll dough up like a jelly roll.
14. Measure dough every 2 inches and cut with a knife.
15. Take each roll into the palm of your hand and gently pack the roll (this keeps it from coming apart during baking).
16. Place each roll in a buttered baking pan and allow to rise in a warm place for about 20 minutes.
17. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven until golden brown in color, about 15-20 minutes.
18. Frost rolls while still warm.

Cream Cheese Frosting

1. In mixing bowl, combine all ingredients and mix until smooth.
2. Spread on the very warm rolls.

You totally CAN cut this recipe in half, but why would you do that? Don't fool yourself - these will get gobbled up so fast! I got 19 out of the recipe when I made them today. Yes, they take a little work, but it's worth it. I promise.

Check out our Friends at Disney Food Blog for all things Park Related! (Including incredible food!)

Deep Dish Fresh Peach Pie

 Ever had one of those weeks where life just throws things at you in unexpected ways? Well that's been this week around here. Life is absolutely unpredictable and I've been reminded of that ten-fold this week. So....

Yesterday, my youngest son and I ended up helping my parents a little and one of the things we helped with was picking peaches that were literally falling off the tree they were so ripe. We brought a small bag of them home with us for eating. As we were leaving my dad was teasing me saying that they were going to end up in a pie as soon as my husband saw them.

Well...guess what happened? Ha ha! Yes, my dad was right. The absolute kicker though was that my mom hooked me up with some tapioca granules (my secret weapon for thickening my pies).

Let me tell you a story about tapioca. If you go into a store near you and find a box of small tapioca granules on the shelf, it's akin to finding a dinosaur bone right now! Tapioca is nowhere to be seen. I found some of the large tapioca pearls at a small specialty store, but not the small ones. They told me they had been unable to get tapioca (organic or non-organic) from any of their suppliers for months and they didn't anticipate that changing anytime in the foreseeable future. What??? I mean it IS 2020, but really? Tapioca. Toilet paper shortage, disinfectant shortage, hand sanitizer shortage, flour shortage, egg shortage...why not granulated tapioca too, right? Seriously though - I found some on Amazon but I've not seen it in the store in months. If you find some, buy it! 

Rough week, gorgeous sweet peaches, a box of tapioca...how could I say no?

Here is my recipe for Deep Dish Fresh Peach Pie. As you make it, please bear in mind that working with fresh fruit can be a challenge because sometimes you have to adjust ingredients. These peaches are incredibly juicy and sweet. If your peaches are a little more tart, add more sugar. If they don't have much juice for some reason, use less tapioca. Don't like Cinnamon? Don't have a deep dish pie plate? Cut down on the amount of peaches. The biggest lesson here is if you get the crust right, you can adjust the filling to your personal tastes. Trust your gut!

After the recipe, I'll also include a handy dandy list with some links to some of my favorite helpers on Amazon.

  • CRUST:

    • 2/3 C. Shortening (not butter)
    • 2 C. Flour
    • Pinch of Salt
    • 1/3 C. Water (more or less)

  • Using a pastry cutter combine Shortening, Flour & Salt until they work together into a crumbly mixture. Add water a little at a time and work dough together. I use 1/3 cup as a base and add a little if I need to in order to get it to stick together. Set aside.

    Preheat oven to 375


    8 C. Fresh Peeled, Sliced Peaches
    3/4 C. Sugar 
    3 T. Tapioca Granules
    1 tsp. Vanilla 
    1/2 tsp. Ground Cinnamon 
    Dash of Ground Cloves (no more than 1/8 tsp)

    In a bowl, toss Sliced Peaches with 3/4 C. Sugar, Tapioca, Vanilla, Cinnamon and Cloves. Set aside.

    On a lightly floured surface, roll out a little over half of the dough until it's large enough cover the bottom and sides of your pie plate. Put bottom dough in pie plate with edges over hanging. The easiest way I've found to get the crust into the plate is to gently fold it in half and just lift it. You can loosely fold again (into 1/4ths) if you need to. Gently form into pie plate.

    Put peach filling into pie plate. Set aside. 

    On your lightly floured surface, roll out top crust. Before putting top crust on filled bottom crust, run a thin layer of water over the edges of bottom crust. (The water acts as the glue that holds the top & bottom crust together.) Place top crust on filled base and crimp edges to seal.

  • Trim excess crust from edges of pie. I like to take the extra crust, roll it out and use a small cookie cutter (like a leaf or a heart or a star) and make shapes that I "glue" onto the top of the pie with a little water. Cut slits in top crust to allow for venting while it bakes.

  • TOP:

  • 1 Egg 
    1 T. Water 

  • In a small bowl or cup, whisk together Egg & 1 T. Water. Using a pastry brush or a clean paint brush, brush the egg wash all over the top crust and edges of pie. Sprinkle top lightly with sugar. 

    Bake for 50-55 minutes until filling is bubbling up through slits in the pie. You might want to bake it on a cookie sheet to catch any potential overflow. (It happens sometimes)

  • As hard as it will be, you have to wait for it to cool. I know...the smell is intoxicating and your mouth is watering. I get it. Here's what happens though if you don't let it cool, the tapioca needs a little time to set after it's out of the oven. That's the magic glue that holds the pie together and you have to give it a chance to make the magic happen. I mean, let's be honest. Sometimes you just can't help yourself and you "accidentally" cut into it when it's hot. Whoops...it'll still taste amazing, it'll just be runny. Cover it up with ice cream - problem solved.  

  • Here's a list for you of helpful resources:

  • Pastry Cutter 

  • Deep Dish Pie Plate

  • Marble Rolling Pin (Mine is over 30 years old)

  • Paring Knife

  • My Go-To Shortening

  • Tapioca Granules

  • My Favorite Cinnamon

  • Top Notch Vanilla

  • Pastry Brush

  • Pie Server

  • Pretty Dessert Bowls

  • And in case you need to see it one more time...