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 Welcome to Kim Kulture Club Musings! I'm so happy that you've decided to join me on this journey. We're going to explore a lot ...

Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiration. Show all posts

What I Do & Why

It's time to answer some questions: who I am, what I do, how I do it and why...PLEASE hang tight through this - it's kind of a big deal.

Who I am: I am Kim. I am a lot of things. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a friend, a neighbor, a dreamer, a thinker, an adventurer, a reader, a writer, a photographer, a bargainista, a Disney lover, a chef, a creator, an explorer, an unfiltered free spirit, a realist, a visionary, a perpetual work in progress...and so much more. I have known happiness and gut-wrenching sorrow and I've learned from all of it. I am a constant evolution of my past, my present and my future self.

What I do: I have an amazing support system that supports me 110% as I'm pursuing the things that I'm passionate about. We are evolving the website to include the ability to purchase copies of my photos (with more things to come) and I do affiliate marketing to supplement that. (This is from an earlier post I did explaining what Affiliate Marketing is)

Affiliate Marketing isn't an effortless way to make money or a get rich quick gimmick. It's not multi-level marketing (MLM) or a pyramid scheme. It's not done in exchange for goods or products from the companies and it's not "extra spending money" or a "side hustle". I actually read something earlier today that referred to it as an "easy, passive way to make extra money."

When you see a disclaimer on a page about being an affiliate or earning a commission or even #ad that means you're looking at an affiliate listing. That's how you know (there are federal requirements to protect consumers and make sure the transactions are transparent). Bear in mind, I am also registered with the state and federal government as a business and have to do all the same reporting and taxes as any business.

Affiliate marketing, in a nutshell, is advertising. How?

I seek out different companies (sometimes they come to me), I research them and the programs they offer. I apply to each and they have the option based on my content, modes of advertising and audience whether or not to accept me into their program. (As do I when I'm approached by a company) Once we agree upon the terms, a contract is entered into.

When you see me share a deal, post a link to a product in something I've written, talk about a new partner, do a themed write up, review something or put an ad on the bottom or side of a webpage - that's me advertising for them. I also have a tab on my webpage for "Partners" and that's the current list of companies I've entered into a partnership with. (I keep it current and updated as I'm constantly looking at new opportunities and eliminating partnerships that aren't the right fit.)

When you click on the links I share, it takes you to the website for that company. Hidden deep down inside that link is an "identifier" that tells the site how you got to them. When you make a purchase, I get credit for the referral to their site. In exchange for that I earn a small commission off the sale. It doesn't cost you anything and you don't pay inflated prices because of the referral - it's their payment to me for advertising for them, just like any other advertising they'd pay for. 

Does it pay a lot? Well...there's a reason I am constantly asking for you to share my posts. I can't disclose specifics for legal reasons, but the amount they pay ranges anywhere from 1% to 30%. Sometimes there will be a specific "push" or item that pays more, but those are few and far between. It takes time to earn anything, but it all adds up. Eventually.

How long does that tracking link stay on your device? It depends. Some places (like Amazon) only count what a person does during that specific visit. Most run a couple of weeks to a couple of months. I have one that tracks for 6 months, but I have never seen anyone else offer that. That means if you visit that site anytime during that tracking period, I earn the commission for the follow up sale as well.

Another thing - going direct to the site? While I'm glad you find what you're looking for, that doesn't have a direct monetary benefit to me. Letting me know "I remembered you told me Disney was having a sale so I ordered" is great, but unless you click through one of my links to get there I don't get the credit for that sale. I may have done the leg work for them but without that magic link they don't know that. 

How I do what I do: I have four platforms that I am currently using.

    First and foremost, my website. I am my own webmaster and that's been trial by fire (a year ago I knew NOTHING about writing code), but I'm pretty proud of it. I add new content weekly (often several times a week)


Secondly, this blog. It's more of a place for the less-formal, less-structured web pages

Third, my Instagram page. Instagram doesn't allow for direct links in posts so that's been a challenge. Often you'll see "Link in Bio" because you can click on my Instagram bio and go to the website. Even with the quirks, I'd be foolish to ignore the Instagram pull though.


Finally, Facebook. Love it or hate it, it's still the best way to share those limited time deals and daily posts. FB is the only platform I use that you're going to find the Amazon deals on. It's the only one that you're going to find pop-up deals from our partners. I have a daily schedule of posts that I share on FB from the website. Facebook is the best way that I have to grow my audience, my visits, my interactions, my shares.


Why: I guess the bigger question would be "Why Not"? Yes, I work 12-16 hour days, 7 days a week without hardly ever taking a break but I get to do things I love. I've never worked harder in my life, but for the first time in my life I feel like that work matters. I've had some pretty crappy jobs and some even worse employers - I don't have that anymore. There is freedom, purpose, meaning and joy in what I do now.

Is it easy? Not even close. Is it frustrating? More than you can imagine. Is it rewarding? Absolutely. Do I miss working for someone else? (Pardon me while I choke on my laughter) Not a smidgen.

The nuts & bolts of the matter though: I need your help. Growth has to be constant and that's why I share things on my business FB page and my personal one and I'm always asking you to share. I have good content - I have the ability to be successful, but I need a broader audience. I'm finding that niche and I know full well that it takes time, but can you help? I will be forever grateful to those of you who have been so amazing about sharing my stuff and helping me network. Every referral, every share matters and is noticed. Every single one. I'm immensely grateful for those people who have reached out because they're getting ready to re-order with a company I partner with and asked me if they should go through my links. YES!!! PLEASE!!! Amazon, Disney, Fabric, Better World Books, Hemp My Pet, etc...every single one of them! You still get your deals and the benefits from your rewards on the sites that offer it and I get credit for the referral. Yes, it's an extra step for you but the boost it does for me is beyond measure. It's how I keep this dream alive.

Thank you for taking this leap of faith with me and the support you've shown. I notice and I appreciate each of you. I love feedback, I love to hear your thoughts and suggestions, I welcome the chance to grow this endeavor & I hope you'll stay on this train with me. I hope you bring friends too.

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!


On March 2, 1904 Theodore Geisel was born and today, we remember him and honor his innumerable contributions to literacy and the millions of lives he has helped influence with his writing. 

I have no problems declaring Dr. Seuss to be the most influential writer that has walked this earth. Every one of you reading this know him, his beautiful flowing rhymes, his whimsical characters, the spark of inspiration & imagination he gave and happy moments he brought to our childhoods and those of our posterity.

He was a favorite of mine and my children too. When my boys were little and they'd get tucked in at night, it was story time and their favorite was Dr. Seuss. In particular? We LOVED "Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!" Even now, when they're both teenagers I can recite a large portion of that book from memory.

He didn't just inspire a generation, he has inspired multiple generations and reminded all of us of some very important things:

    ~"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose."

    ~"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"

    ~"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

    ~"You'll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut."

    ~"You're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so...Get on your way!"

    ~"Today you are YOU, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!"

    ~"Don't give up. I believe in you all. A person's a person, no matter how small."

    ~"Will you succeed? Yes! You will indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent) Guaranteed!"

    ~"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."

    ~"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!"

I hope that we, as a people, don't become so jaded by political correctness and looking for hate where it doesn't exist that we sacrifice the treasure that is Dr. Seuss. I am grateful for his influence in my life and my love of literature, prose and whimsy. I'm grateful for that same influence in my children's lives, too. He was a man who never had children of his own but he knew all that was good & great in this life could be found in the hearts of the children. He strove to teach all of us morals and lessons that might help us become better and make positive changes in this world.

Do yourself a favor, go read a Dr. Seuss story with someone you love today. Thank you Dr. Seuss.


I'm not a big proponent for "New Years Resolutions" but one thing I can appreciate is how it provides an opportunity for us to take a step back and evaluate things. We are about 6 months into this journey and, as you all know, we are constantly making changes. That's part of the process - figuring out what we think is working, might work or is an utter flop and moving forward.

I've been toying around with an idea for awhile, but wanted to get through the madness that is Christmas first. We have a lot of things in the works, but starting today you're going to start seeing a "Partner Spotlight" pop up on our social media posts. We're going to share 1 or 2 of these a day in the hopes of introducing you to one of the many incredible companies we've partnered up with. It gives us a chance to introduce them and tell you a bit about them, their story and why you should do business with them.

I'm going to start at the top and share them alphabetically (because that seemed the most senible way to do it) but as I complete the profiles they will all be available on the website. On the "Partners" tab on the site you will find their logos and a link to their site (that is always getting updated and will, in fact, be updated this morning again). On the "Deals" tab you'll be able to find a listing for each of them in the directory on the right. Each link will take you to a page just for them.

On the "Deals" tab you'll also find a weekly deals roundup that I will publish on Sunday or Monday each week. Throughout the week I will continue to share reminders about expiring deals or new ones that pop up mid-week, but those will be less frequent. 

I will continue to share a couple of Amazon deals on social media platforms daily. I've not shared as many of those recently because, frankly, there haven't been a lot of super duper deals they've offered with my promo codes. (I love a good bargain so you can be sure I'll keep watching those.)

The hope is that using this format will make things easier to maneuver. I struggle with "clutter" and sometimes feel that things get bogged down in it. This is the part where I encourage you to regularly check our website, bookmark it, make it a habit to see what's new. Need to buy something online? Click us first and let us help you find it.

Also, don't forget the other tabs on the website - there are some incredible recipes, idea, crafts and adventures to be found. Those are constantly being updated too. We've just barely scraped the tip of the iceberg with posts! Thank you for being here and sharing - without you and your support we can't keep this ship afloat.

Diving Into 2021

As we begin 2021, I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for being along on this ride with me. I hope that you each know how much your support and continued encouragement means to me.

2020 was a doozy of a year: Covid, quarantine, school at home, unrelenting political and social unrest, job/income loss, cancer and a whole lot of unexpected surprises we never saw coming. We're hopeful 2021 will be kinder. 

I find myself, a lot closer to 50 than 40, trying to reinvent myself and find a path to provide an income for our family doing the things that make me happy. As we enter into this next year, it's my hope that we'll continue to be able to grow and refine the site/social media platforms to be able to successfully do that. Starting a business in the best of economic times is hard, during it right now is kind of crazy. I have the utmost faith in this journey though. I know this is the path I'm supposed to be on, as scary as it is sometimes. 

We're working on a lot of new avenues and changes that you'll start to see over the course of the next few weeks/months. I always welcome feedback and suggestions. And again, thank you for being here. Without an audience, this fails. You are integral to the success of this venture and I am grateful for you.

What is Affiliate Marketing

Over the last couple of weeks I've heard the question "What is an affiliate?" in various forms many, many times. I thought now might be a really great time to answer that for the ones that have asked, the conversations I've had and for those that have wondered but not asked. Let me see if I can help you gain a general understanding of what that means. 

First, I'd like to address a few things that it's NOT. Many of the same people had these questions too and that's okay. If you don't know, it's totally okay to ask. It isn't an effortless way to make money or a get rich quick gimmick. It's not multi-level marketing (MLM) or a pyramid scheme. It's not done in exchange for goods or products from the companies and it's not "extra spending money". I actually read something earlier today that referred to it as an "easy, passive way to make extra money." I literally laughed out loud. It's not easy and it's definitely not passive and in this household it's certainly not "extra" - it's what's keeping the heat on.

When you see a disclaimer on a page about being an affiliate or earning a commission or even #ad that means you're looking at an affiliate listing. That's how you know (there are federal requirements to protect consumers and make sure the transactions are transparent). Bear in mind, I am also registered with the state and federal government as a business and have to do all the same reporting and taxes as any business.

Affiliate marketing, in a nutshell, is advertising. How?

I seek out different companies (sometimes they come to me), I research them and the programs they offer. I apply to each and they have the option based on my content, modes of advertising and audience whether or not to accept me into their program. (As do I when I'm approached by a company) Once we agree upon the terms, a contract is entered into.

When you see me share a deal, post a link to a product in something I've written, talk about a new partner, do a themed write up, review something or put an ad on the bottom or side of a webpage - that's me advertising for them. I also have a tab on my webpage (kimkulture.club) for "Partners" and that's the current list of companies I've entered into a partnership with. (I keep it current and updated as I'm constantly looking at new opportunities and eliminating partnerships that aren't the right fit.)

When you click on the links I share, it takes you to the website for that company. Hidden deep down inside that link is an "identifier" that tells the site how you got to them. When you make a purchase, I get credit for the referral to their site. In exchange for that I earn a small commission off the sale. It doesn't cost you anything and you don't pay inflated prices because of the referral - it's their payment to me for advertising for them, just like any other advertising they'd pay for. 

Does it pay a lot? Well...there's a reason I am constantly asking for you to share my posts. I can't disclose specifics for legal reasons, but the amount they pay ranges anywhere from 1% to 30%. Sometimes there will be a specific "push" or item that pays more, but those are few and far between. It takes time to earn anything, but it all adds up.

How long does that tracking link stay on your device? It depends. Some places (like Amazon) only count what a person does during that specific visit. Most run a couple of weeks to a couple of months. I have one that tracks for 6 months, but I have never seen anyone else offer that. That means if you visit that site anytime during that tracking period, I earn the commission for the follow up sale as well.

Another thing - going direct to the site? While I'm glad you find what you're looking for, that doesn't have a direct monetary benefit to me. Letting me know "I remembered you told me Disney was having a sale so I ordered" is great, but unless you click through one of my links to get there I don't get the credit for that sale. I may have done the leg work for them but without that magic link they don't know that. 

You know I love a good deal. Do I get to take advantage of those sales too? Of course I do, but I don't earn commission on my own orders.  

When I started this I had a pretty good idea of what I was getting into. I grew up with parents that were self-employed so I know first-hand how hard it is. When it starts to come together it's unbelievably satisfying, but the countless hours, frustration, fears, doubts and never-ending work is real. It's hard. During the days leading up to Black Friday/Cyber Monday Week if I was sleeping 3 or 4 hours a night I'd be surprised. Spreadsheets, notes, metrics, projections, tracking and lists are everywhere! Most people who have whiteboards have those cute little ones they put notes on or maybe even one that they keep on the fridge. Mine? It's 4 foot x 4 foot and hangs on the wall by my desk. Yes, it's color coded and categorized too.

And that's not even including the content on the site or learning to build a webpage from the ground up and constantly updating that. Whew! "Easy & Passive" my butt!!!

So does that help? I want you to understand what I'm doing, how it works and why I'm doing things the way I am. I want you to understand why I ask for people to share things. There are some companies out there that won't give you a second glance if they think your audience is too small and that can get frustrating. You need an audience to grow your partner list, but you can't grow your audience without good partners. It's a weird dichotomy! 

Finding Hope

Let me preface this blog with a couple of things. First, this was my husband's idea (he has more faith in me than I do sometimes) and second, we're dipping our toes in the "personal" side of our lives a little again. I really do try and keep that separate from the business side of operations for a lot of reasons but this is one of those things where to truly express this sentiment, I need to bring a little of our real lives in.

I'm not going to lie or sugar coat how this year has been. It's been one heck of a ride. We've dealt with isolation. Our family was horribly sick for over 2 months this spring. Covid antibody test was negative (they weren't doing widespread testing for it yet), but I still think it might have been that - I've fought some nasty illnesses in my life (bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial pneumonia, mono, etc., etc) but NOTHING like that. We've seen the really ugly side of people come out fighting over everything (masks, toilet paper, politics, distancing...everything they could fight about, they have). Vacations, holidays, birthdays were all canceled or drastically changed. As the sole financial support of our family, I lost my job of nearly 7 years this summer (that's a whole other post unto itself) and being high risk, my options for employment in a pandemic are extremely limited. My husband was diagnosed with cancer and underwent surgery 6 weeks ago to remove a 5"x4" tumor, leaving a huge hole in his back that will have to be fixed with a skin graft once it heals a little more. Because of the cancer and the obvious elevated risk to him, we've had to completely redo everything in our lives even more. Our kids are doing school from home (their school planned for the entire first semester at home from the beginning of the school year and has approved them to do it the entire school year if need be).

(I told you I was going to cross the line into personal) It's not been easy. Not even close. 

Starting a business from home, in the best of circumstances, is hard. Starting one during this madness, is harder than I can even express. Re-inventing myself when I'm a lot closer to 50 than 40 is a terrifying thing to be doing. There are days I want to just give up, but I can't. I have to keep going, I have to keep working, I have to push myself as hard as I can for as long as I can (24/7 isn't as much of a stretch of the imagination as you think at this point). Here's the thing...I know the instant I give in to the doubt, the fear, the fatigue, the uncertainty...I'm defeated.

What pushes me in those moments (other than knowing I have two kids watching me)? Determination, sure. More than that? Hope. I have to believe that there is value in what I'm doing and I have to have faith that I'm on the right path and I have to hope that it all comes together. Will everything that's happened and continue to happen in our lives ever make sense? I don't know, but I hope it will. Without that hope, everything else falls apart. 

Here's the kicker though...how do you find and hold onto hope when it seems like you're at the end of that proverbial rope? Sheer determination can do a lot, but it's not enough. Our family and support system help, but that isn't necessarily enough. Our faith in a Higher Being? Some people can hold onto their belief system to carry them through, but not everyone can. (Remember the second line of this blog? Yeah...one of us in this house is struggling a little more than the other, but that's another story)

Regardless of how much internal fortitude or support you have, sometimes having something extra helps. Sometimes we need to CHOOSE to fill our hearts, our homes, our lives with things that strengthen us and carry us through. We need to be active participants in CHOOSING HOPE.

I started playing Christmas music about a month ago and our tree went up 2 weeks ago. Prior to that, you'd find me constantly listening to the music they pipe into the Disney Parks because it makes me happy. I discovered Disney Ambience music on youtube and it has been a constant source of calm and peace when I've struggled. And I have struggled. A lot. Honestly though, who hasn't this year? 

So to help you find ways to strengthen your hope and your heart through this weird, weird time I've put together some suggestions. These aren't your typical "Chocolate can fix anything" solutions (although I've heard it keeps the Dementors away), but things that have more of a lasting impact. I hope you find something that helps. And I hope, if nothing else, we can all come through the remainder of this year full of hope for what comes next, grateful for the time we've had with our families and at peace with whatever is going on around us.


FaithBox is a montly subscription box (you can order as many or as few as you want or even just get a one time box). These are filled with things to help strengthen your faith, remind you of your worth and give you that little spiritual hug you might not even realize you need.

Make a memory with your family. Live-Stream the Moscow Ballet's Nutcracker and create a  memory that they'll always remember. I started looking for "experiences" to do as a family a few years ago at Christmas when they started getting older and the thrill of toys was wearing off. I absolutely wish I'd started when they were much littler. To this day, when they talk about Christmases past, it's seldom the gifts or the toys, it's the experiences. (Use Promo Code CHRISTMAS for an extra 10% off - again really reasonable cost.)

There are lots of links on our website & Facebook page for other things that might help: loads of chocolate options, travel ideas, Precious Moments, flowers, inspirational books, candles, bath stuff, Disney...these though, they're ones that I think really lead the pack on helping inspire moments of hope and direction. 

Christmas 2020

This afternoon I did something I haven't had a chance to do in a long time, I sat down and turned on the TV. It seems like that seldom happens anymore. And with all of these choices available to me what did I choose? I went to YouTube and turned on videos of the Christmas decorations at the Magic Kingdom.

A little while later my husband pulls himself away from the project he's working on, walks in the living room, sits down and asks what I'm watching. I tell him and offer to change it.

Slight diversion here. My honey and I started out our relationship (23 years ago) with polar opposite views of Christmas. I grew up in the family that made a big deal out of the holidays, serving others, being an anonymous Secret Santa to a new family every year, lots of family and friends, decorations, singing, goodies...it was a special time. Even in those years where we didn't have much we still found the joy, the beauty and the magic in Christmas. It never occurred to me that anyone wouldn't feel the same way. Then I got involved with Scrooge himself.

His childhood & family was nothing like mine and his view of Christmas was quite the opposite of mine. I swore someday I'd change his mind. I even went so far as to take him to Disneyland (for his very first visit) for Christmas 4 years into our relationship. The iceberg cracked a little, but I definitely still had my work cut out for me.

Over the years, little by little, he started to come around. Then we had our first son and I made it very clear that our children were going to grow up knowing the magic of Christmas whether he liked it or not. I didn't care if he embraced it, but he wasn't going to ruin it for them. (He never did ruin it.) It didn't take that long to change his mind once he saw it through those sweet little eyes. Once in awhile he still gives me grief over my love of the holidays and he seems to think we can't put decorations up until after Thanksgiving, but it's half-hearted and to be a stinker more than anything.

Fast forward to this afternoon. Instead of changing what I was watching, he sat down and watched it with me. We sat and talked about a lot of things and one thing we talked about was how people were embracing Christmas early this year: sales, lights, decorations, Secret Santas, Christmas Trees going up, movies, Christmas songs...it's not just a few people either - it's wide-spread. 

Then he said something that absolutely turned on this lightbulb for me. (I'm never going to live it down when he reads this, huh?) He said this year, more than ever, we need what Christmas is. I asked him what he meant. He said HOPE - the core of Christmas is Christ and people look to Christ for hope. 

That started the wheels turning in my head as I realized just how truly, deeply right that is. Think of your own Christmas. What is the hub at the center of your Christmas Wheel formed from? For some it's Jesus Christ, for others it's Santa, for some it's the Spirit of Christmas and for many (including us) it's a combination of all of those. The embodiment of all that is good and right about Christmas is based in the principle of Hope.

Regardless of how the elections turn out, if dinosaurs come marching through our subdivision, aliens invade, giant winged snakes take over New Mexico or what other surprises this year has in store for us, we all need to HOPE for better. We need to feel like this is temporary, this too shall pass. Christmas is the physical expression of that hope.

So my focus is going to be on creating Christmas in our home, our lives, our hearts and I hope that you will too. If you see me in my yard putting up Christmas lights and singing, stop and sing with me. Then go home, turn off the news and put your tree up, make crafts and cookies with your kids.

May you and yours find the HOPE that Christmas brings and may you embrace that and share it with those around you. No, 2020 is not a "normal" year by any stretch of the imagination, but that doesn't mean we can't look forward to the future with HOPE growing in our hearts. 

Disney Inspired Cinnamon Rolls

 Sometimes, no matter how good your own recipe is, you just NEED something a little different. Today was a Cinnamon Roll kind of day and I tried a new recipe.

Normally I take a recipe, play around with it, rework it a little and make it "mine." Not this time. Our friends at Disney Food Blog shared "Walt Disney World's Main Street Bakery Cinnamon Rolls." This recipe is all them and needs not a smidgen of adjustment. It is SOOOOO good! (This recipe is straight off their web site - see below, under the pictures for some links)


Cinnamon Rolls

1/2 cup warm water
2 packages yeast
2 tablespoons sugar
1 (3 1/2 ounce) package instant vanilla pudding
2 cups milk
1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
2 large eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon salt
8 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup unsalted butter, melted
2 cups brown sugar
2 tablespoons cinnamon

Cream Cheese Frosting
1 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened (room temperature)
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
3 cups powdered sugar
2 tablespoons milk


Cinnamon Rolls

1. In small bowl, combine water, yeast, and sugar.
2. Stir until dissolved and set aside.
3. In large bowl, mix pudding according to package instructions with milk.
4. Add 1/2 cup melted butter, egg, and salt. Mix well, then add yeast mixture and blend well.
5. Gradually add flour and knead until smooth.
6. Place in a very large greased bowl.
7. Cover and let rise in a warm place until double in size.
8. Punch down and let rise again for second time.
9. Roll dough on a very large floured surface.
10. Dough should roll out to a long rectangle, about 34 x 21 inches in size.
11. Take the 1 cup of melted butter and use a pastry brush to spread over entire dough surface.
12. In small bowl, mix together the brown sugar and cinnamon.
13. Sprinkle over top of buttered dough. Roll dough up like a jelly roll.
14. Measure dough every 2 inches and cut with a knife.
15. Take each roll into the palm of your hand and gently pack the roll (this keeps it from coming apart during baking).
16. Place each roll in a buttered baking pan and allow to rise in a warm place for about 20 minutes.
17. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven until golden brown in color, about 15-20 minutes.
18. Frost rolls while still warm.

Cream Cheese Frosting

1. In mixing bowl, combine all ingredients and mix until smooth.
2. Spread on the very warm rolls.

You totally CAN cut this recipe in half, but why would you do that? Don't fool yourself - these will get gobbled up so fast! I got 19 out of the recipe when I made them today. Yes, they take a little work, but it's worth it. I promise.

Check out our Friends at Disney Food Blog for all things Park Related! (Including incredible food!)

Pick a Peck of Pickled...Beets?

Harvest continues today! Yesterday I "channeled" my paternal grandma, but today was my maternal grandpa's turn. Yes, you read that right. Grandpa grew this huge garden every year and made sure his cellar was as full as he could get it so his kids and grandkids always knew where to go for food. He didn't have a lot, but what he had he shared. I learned a lot from him about a whole lot of things and I have nothing but the happiest of memories with him.

Grandpa knew pickles. He did. He was the authority on all things pickled. You knew if he was smacking his lips, it was a winner. I am so lucky because he, like me, scribbled notes on things. I have his old canning book with his notes and changes written in it and I cherish that book. So today, even though I didn't get to my pickles, his book got pulled out of the cupboard for pickled beets and pickled peppers.

When I'm canning and working in the kitchen, I can't help but wonder what those that have gone before that I learned so much from would think. I swear there are time when I can feel my grandma looking over my shoulder or hear grandpa smacking his lips saying "You're doing good Little Doll". I don't believe for a second that's my imagination. I think it's one of those tender mercies that help us remember there's much more to this life than just this life. Sure thankful for the influence they've had on my life.

Canning Tomatoes

Harvest season has begun. Today, fresh from the garden, TWENTY pints & ONE 1.5 pint jar of tomatoes. So tired, but so very grateful for the harvest, the ability to do this and my Dad's help.

Can't tell you how happy my grandma would have been to see us working together canning. This time of year always makes me feel like even though she's gone, she's not really that far away.

For way too long I was intimidated by the thought of canning tomatoes. In my head I was thinking you had to pressure can them, but you don't. Not sure why I thought that, but I'm glad I've seen the error of my ways. Canning tomatoes can be time consuming, but it's not difficult at all. And there is nothing quite as good on a cold winter day as being able to grab a jar of tomatoes (that still taste fresh from the garden) and whip up a stew, a soup or some goulash. It makes a difference.

Hemp My Pet Saved Kashi


Sometimes you're lucky enough to find a product that is so amazing and truly is a life-changer that you can't help but love it; want to share it with the world. Let me share one such product with you and the difference that it made for our family.

When our kids were little we'd talked off and on about getting a dog but we never did. We moved into a new house, we had a good back yard and my husband ended up taking a job that put him away from home for sometimes weeks at a time, the time to find the dog was right.

We weren't actively looking, but we were 'kind of' looking for the right dog and one day, as I was reading the newspaper I looked at the pets section. There wasn't usually anything listed there unless it was from a breeder wanting a crazy amount of money for a dog, but this summer day in 2011 would turn out to be different. I found an ad from someone that was only about 10 miles away looking to rehome a dog. He needed a family, a yard, kids; we had those things. And there was just something so compelling about his picture. I called to see if we could come meet him and within 30 minutes we were there.

We weren't sure at first, he did what dogs do when a stranger comes; he barked a lot and tried to come at us. Once he saw our young boys and they said something to him, his tail started wagging and his whole demeanor changed. The lady that was looking to rehome him had taken him from her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend because the boyfriend didn't like him and they didn't want him. As we visited outside her RV, it became apparent there was a lot more to the story than that. She and her husband (who just grumbled about him being more trouble than he was worth and expensive from inside, never once did he poke his head out) couldn't keep him and she didn't have the heart to take him to the pound.

My husband and I walked away to talk about it and looking back at how sweet and gentle he was with the kids, there was no doubt he was coming home with us that night. He needed rescued and we needed to rescue him. When you take on an animal in that way, knowing he was unwanted, you never really know what you're getting into or what the whole story is. He came to be a member of this family in the summer of 2011 and it took a long time to unfold what we know. And yes, we had some moments along the way when we wondered if we did the right thing but we knew he belonged with us. (Even after we had a vet tell us we needed to have him put down because he was mean and would end up attacking one of our kids. True story. He's never ever tried to hurt either of them.)

One of the first things we learned about him is that he was petrified of men in leather work boots. Not just afraid, but downright petrified. He'd get aggressive (growling, barking and nipping at them) and then end up cowering and wetting himself in fear. Couple that with the fact that he had a bad hip, it wasn't too hard to figure out the sad connection. He was barely 6 months old when he came to live with that if that gives you any idea of what his earliest days must have been like.

We've never regretted bringing him home with us. He's been a good and loyal companion. Even as the kids have become teenagers, he's fiercely protective of them and our home. He's very much a part of this family. Like every living being, as age comes on so do aches and pains and slowing down. It's an unavoidable part of the life cycle. Our guy's bad hip continued to get worse over the years and there were days you could see the cringe on his face as he'd try to find a comfortable way to lay on it. It was heartbreaking. He has given us so many good years that is was well past time to try and find a way to make his senior years the reward he deserved. We've seen first-hand the healing properties of CBD in our lives so why wouldn't it work for animals too? We tried a couple of different products with him and they were just okay. They made a little difference, but not significantly. He didn't care for the flavor and it was hard to get him to take them (which is funny when you consider some of the weird things he eats). By happenchance, I came across Hemp My Pet.

I had a few conversations with the founder, asked a lot of questions and learned a tremendous amount from her. The more I talked to her, the more convinced I was that her products would be different. To solidify that, she sent me a box of samples to try. What company does that? That said more to me about her belief in her products than anything else could have.

I do not exaggerate when I say that one treat was a life changer. Within days of treating him with both the treats and the 1000mg Tincture, he was acting like a puppy. He was able to run and jump and play in a way that was pain-free. Something he'd gone nearly his whole life without being able to do. In days he went from being a &senior& dog to being an older dog with an entirely new lease on life.

It wasn't just the physical change, but his attitude changed too. Until you've seen it first-hand it's hard to really appreciate; his whole demeanor changed. He was happy. He had been happy before, but this was a different kind of happy. He wasn't hurting and grumpy (like anyone who has chronic pain) anymore. He was genuinely happy, peaceful and pain-free. Heck, he was even more patient with the ornery cat!

Is it inexpensive? No, we've tried some that were and we got what we paid for. Is it worth the money? Every single penny. I won't buy anything else for him anymore. He's given so many loyal, faithful years to us that it isn't hard to do the right thing for him. I wish I'd found the products sooner honestly.

If you have an older fur baby or one that has health issues of any kind, I cannot recommend these products enough. They changed his life. However many years we have left with him (he's nearly 10 years old now) I intend to do all that I can to make sure he's happy and comfortable. He's earned that.

Click Picture for More Information

Great Grandma Emma's Coconut Cake

Have you ever had a family member that you’ve never met but feel a weird connection, a kinship to? I’d like to share with you a little bit about my connection and, as a reward, I’ll share one of her amazing recipes at the end.

I remember as a young child coming across a picture of my grandma’s and being utterly stunned. I took it to her and asked who that was because “I know her.” She chuckled and said “That’s not possible honey, that’s my mom and she was gone a long time before you were born. She was gone before your Dad was born.” Even as a child, I knew it all and I remember telling her she was wrong – I knew her. How I knew her I didn’t know, but looking in those eyes I just KNEW that I knew her. Yes, I know that’s crazy but the truth is that I’ve always felt that deep connection to my great grandmother that did, indeed, die many decades before I was born.

Emma Hamm Holt (yes, of the Hamm’s Beer family – that was her Uncle) was born in 1870 (we almost share a birthday – mine is 6 days after hers) and came from a large family. My grandma, Helen, was her third child (oldest girl) of ten children. They started their lives in Illinois, lived during the Dust Bowl in Kansas, Colorado for awhile and eventually ended up in Idaho where she would pass away in 1938. My great grandfather (whom it is said died of a broken heart) only lived about a year without his sweetheart.

Upon their passing, disposition of their belongings fell, for the most part, on my grandma’s shoulders. I always remember this big beautiful trunk in my grandma’s bedroom that contained all sorts of treasures – pictures, quilt pieces, patches from a Civil War uniform, jewelry, letters...all sorts of wonderful surprises. Two of my favorite things were the bodice from Emma’s wedding dress (she had a waist that was probably 18”, if that!) and a composition book.

The composition book is a treasure beyond measure to me. It is a hand-written book of recipes and helpful hints that Emma wrote. It is around 100 years old, written all in her own hand and is tucked safely away in my home now. The pages are old, worn, cracked around the edges and the ink is smeared in spots and the pages written in pencil have faded over the years. Also in that book are the remnants of an older book, written in different handwriting and written with a quill and ink from an inkwell. We believe it was written by Emma’s mom, Amanda, who passed away 4 months before my grandma’s birth in 1902. My best guess is that the smaller book was a wedding gift from Amanda to Emma for her wedding in 1895 – making it 125 years old.

In honor of World Coconut Day, I wanted to make Emma’s Coconut Cake. I carefully took the book from it’s safe place and found the recipe I needed. I also had both of my kids come look at it too because, honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever shared it with them. (I need to get each page laminated to preserve it better.) It was fun sharing it with them and reading some of the recipes. They got quite a laugh over how to use Cocaine to cure Shingles! It was a special moment to be able to share that with them and to see how much they appreciated how important it was to me.

The world right now is crazy and we need to take those opportunities to share special moments with our kids when we get the chance to. They need it, but so do we. If we don’t share these treasures, stories and memories with them they’ll never know.

Thank you for hanging with me as I shared a little about this special lady. Please enjoy her recipe and share it (and a story) with someone you love. Remember, this IS a homemade cake so it’s going to be a little heavier and denser than one made from a box. Enjoy!

Emma’s Coconut Cake


1 ½ C. Sugar

2/3 C. Butter, softened

1 C. Milk

3 Egg Whites, beaten until stiff peaks form

2 tsp. Baking Powder

3 C. Flour

Preheat oven to 350.

In a large bowl, cream Sugar & Butter together. Stir in Milk. Gently fold in beaten Egg Whites. Add Baking Powder & Flour. Mix well.

Split batter evenly between 3 round (8” or 9”) cake pans that have been greased and floured or sprayed with non-stick spray. Gently tap on counter to remove air bubbles.

Bake for 22-24 minutes. As soon as cakes come out, remove from pans and place on cooling rack.


2 Egg Whites

½ C. Sugar

3 T. Water


Beat your Egg Whites until stiff peaks form (I do this in the saucepan I’m going to use). Turn burner under saucepan to medium. Stir in Sugar and Water. Reduce heat to low and set a time for 7 minutes.

While frosting is cooking on stovetop, beat constantly. I used my electric mixer on high and still had some sticking to the pan – just do your best. Remove from heat when timer goes off. Frosting will be somewhere between the consistency of Marshmallow Creme and Whipped Cream.

To assemble cake, place 1 layer on serving dish. Spread with frosting and sprinkle coconut on top. Place 2nd layer on top of bottom layer. Spread with frosting and sprinkle coconut on top. Place 3rd layer on top of 2nd layer and, again, spread with frosting and sprinkle with coconut. The amount of coconut you use is entirely up to you and your tastes. Use remaining frosting down sides of cake.