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Showing posts with label Crafting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crafting. Show all posts

Nightmare Before Christmas

Let me let you in on a little secret...this family LOVES The Nightmare Before Christmas. Like a lot. The music, the animation, the storyline, the characters...everything about it. And what makes it even better? When you decorate for Halloween, guess what? You get to leave those decorations up through Christmas. How can that be wrong? 

Another secret? I grew up with a mom who was a professional special events decorator so I'm kind of a "theme snob" when it comes to decor. Most things, no but something like decorating with a theme, yes. Thankfully, she's the same way. Ha ha! Enjoy some pictures of our homemade Nightmare decorations!

Dr. Finklestein

Yes, that's an outdoor projector

Because there HAS to be an inflatable

Jack Wreath

Lit up Jack Wreath

Jack Post

Lit up Jack Post

The Great Jack o'Lantern

The Great Jack o'Lantern lit up

Yes, that's a Lava Lamp with Santa tied to the top

30ish year old Mickey Village on the fireplace

Crocheted Goodness

I have a lot of crafts/arts I enjoy doing, but one thing I've never been able to master is crocheting. I've tried numerous times and failed miserably which is funny if you knew me. (I'm one of those weirdos that counts everything constantly - always have) Fortunately for me, I have an incredibly talented Mom. I would say that she is, easily, the most talented person I know on the face of this earth. She sees things as they could be, not necessarily how they are. (Where most people see a spoon, she sees 100 different ways to make that spoon into something new.) She always has an idea or craft or project on the back burner. 

I love that she can and does make these things. It's no exaggeration when I say I use the dishrags all the time. I have other ones stuffed in the bottom of a drawer that I will dig out and use if I have no other option, but I don't like to. 

There is nothing better than a hand crocheted scarf for those cold, blustery winter days and a fun hat to go with it.

And the ornaments? What a great way to use up odds and ends of yarn.

I have to share something about the ornaments. I knew she was working on them and when she sent me the picture of the wreath, I kid you not, I was transported way back in time at the sight of it. I was 7 or 8 years old maybe, wandering around the Grange Hall in the town I grew up in while my Grandma was visiting with her friends. I was gently touching and oohhing and aahhing at all the amazing homemade crafts and gifts at the Christmas Bazaar. Man how I loved that Christmas Bazaar!! (I can still smell the building if I try really hard) I VERY clearly remember these very ornaments hanging on a small tree on a long folding table and a sweet little old lady sitting there in a folding chair, quietly crocheting more. I cannot see her face though and it's driving me crazy. (Mom couldn't remember either) I have it narrowed down to 3 or 4 ladies I think it was, but I just can't remember. All of those sweet souls have moved on but for a few minutes, they were all very much alive in my memories.

I have been so blessed in my life to have known such talented people. It is my hope that by sharing these things, the traditions stay alive. If we've learned nothing this past year, I hope that we've learned how important our time, our gifts, our memories and our experiences are. I am honored to share these special crafts with you and I hope you make them and share them with your own families.

Vanilla Latte Sugar Scrub

It’s starting to feel an awful lot like Fall outside and that means weather changes. It’s crazy how much the weather can impact our skin, but it sure does. I’ve got a recipe for a super easy, super cleansing, super yummy scrub that can help with those colder weather issues. Plus, it’s a great way to wake up all of your senses in the morning!

Vanilla Latte Sugar Scrub

  • 1 C. Brown Sugar, loosely packed
  • ½ C. Coconut Oil
  • ½ C. Coffee Grounds (not used)
  • 2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
  • That’s seriously all there is to it. Mix all your ingredients in a bowl until well blended. Store in an airtight container. Use daily. If it solidifies while being stored (that happens sometimes) just use a fork in the container to break it up and stir.

    Easy Bath Salts

     The following recipe is one of my favorites for bath salts. It’s simple and as versatile as it gets. It’s a “basic” recipe that leaves a lot of room for interpretation, experimenting and trying new things. This is one you’ll definitely want to keep in your vault!

    1 C. Epsom Salts

    ½ C. Baking Soda

    5-10 Drops Essential Oils

    Colorant of Choice (add a few drops, mix and add as needed to get the desired color)

    1 T. Oil of Choice (I prefer Coconut, but you can use jojoba, almond or any carrier oil)

    Spices, Herbs, Dried Flowers, Colored Sea Salt (all optional)

    Mix everything together and store in an airtight container. 

    Use your imagination and test your boundaries. This is a FANTASTIC palette to try new things with. I’d love to hear what combinations you came up with!

    Pumpkin Spice Latte Scrub

    Pumpkin Spice...love it or hate it? No matter which side of the fence you find yourself when it comes to the Great Pumpkin Debate, there is no debating the fact that there is nothing more quintessentially Fall than Pumpkin and all the yummy spices that go along with it.

    In an effort to appeal to both sides, check out this sugar scrub recipe. It’s pumpkin, but there’s no pumpkin in it. (I mean, let’s be honest – is there anyone out there that thinks the idea of raw pumpkin on their skin is appealing? Yuck!)

    Pumpkin Spice Latte Sugar Scrub

    1 ½ C. Brown Sugar, loosely packed

    ½ C. White Sugar

    1 T. Ground Coffee (not used)

    1 tsp. Cinnamon

    ½ tsp. Ground Cloves

    ½ tsp. Ground Nutmeg

    ½ tsp. Ground Ginger

    ½ C. Coconut Oil

    Mix all ingredients in a bowl until well incorporated. Store in an airtight container. Use daily for best results.

    Re-purposing Done Right

    We have some of the most incredible Hummingbirds in our back yard. It's funny how the more time you spend watching them, the more you start to notice their personalities. It's fun. They aren't "pets" by the standard use of the term, but in a way they become like pets. One of our favorite things to do (and if this makes us old farts, so be it) is sit outside and watch them at the feeder. It was a sad, sad day when the feeder we had up died. We were discussing needing to get a new one and debating on where to go or whether to order it online and then I saw it. Sitting on the counter was a very cool, empty rum bottle. Guess what? The base fit so WALLAH! You recycle or re-purpose your way, we'll do it our way. Ha ha!

    Yes, the bottle was thoroughly cleaned and the birds are perfectly happy with it.

    Pick a Peck of Pickled...Beets?

    Harvest continues today! Yesterday I "channeled" my paternal grandma, but today was my maternal grandpa's turn. Yes, you read that right. Grandpa grew this huge garden every year and made sure his cellar was as full as he could get it so his kids and grandkids always knew where to go for food. He didn't have a lot, but what he had he shared. I learned a lot from him about a whole lot of things and I have nothing but the happiest of memories with him.

    Grandpa knew pickles. He did. He was the authority on all things pickled. You knew if he was smacking his lips, it was a winner. I am so lucky because he, like me, scribbled notes on things. I have his old canning book with his notes and changes written in it and I cherish that book. So today, even though I didn't get to my pickles, his book got pulled out of the cupboard for pickled beets and pickled peppers.

    When I'm canning and working in the kitchen, I can't help but wonder what those that have gone before that I learned so much from would think. I swear there are time when I can feel my grandma looking over my shoulder or hear grandpa smacking his lips saying "You're doing good Little Doll". I don't believe for a second that's my imagination. I think it's one of those tender mercies that help us remember there's much more to this life than just this life. Sure thankful for the influence they've had on my life.

    Canning Tomatoes

    Harvest season has begun. Today, fresh from the garden, TWENTY pints & ONE 1.5 pint jar of tomatoes. So tired, but so very grateful for the harvest, the ability to do this and my Dad's help.

    Can't tell you how happy my grandma would have been to see us working together canning. This time of year always makes me feel like even though she's gone, she's not really that far away.

    For way too long I was intimidated by the thought of canning tomatoes. In my head I was thinking you had to pressure can them, but you don't. Not sure why I thought that, but I'm glad I've seen the error of my ways. Canning tomatoes can be time consuming, but it's not difficult at all. And there is nothing quite as good on a cold winter day as being able to grab a jar of tomatoes (that still taste fresh from the garden) and whip up a stew, a soup or some goulash. It makes a difference.