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Hemp My Pet Saved Kashi


Sometimes you're lucky enough to find a product that is so amazing and truly is a life-changer that you can't help but love it; want to share it with the world. Let me share one such product with you and the difference that it made for our family.

When our kids were little we'd talked off and on about getting a dog but we never did. We moved into a new house, we had a good back yard and my husband ended up taking a job that put him away from home for sometimes weeks at a time, the time to find the dog was right.

We weren't actively looking, but we were 'kind of' looking for the right dog and one day, as I was reading the newspaper I looked at the pets section. There wasn't usually anything listed there unless it was from a breeder wanting a crazy amount of money for a dog, but this summer day in 2011 would turn out to be different. I found an ad from someone that was only about 10 miles away looking to rehome a dog. He needed a family, a yard, kids; we had those things. And there was just something so compelling about his picture. I called to see if we could come meet him and within 30 minutes we were there.

We weren't sure at first, he did what dogs do when a stranger comes; he barked a lot and tried to come at us. Once he saw our young boys and they said something to him, his tail started wagging and his whole demeanor changed. The lady that was looking to rehome him had taken him from her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend because the boyfriend didn't like him and they didn't want him. As we visited outside her RV, it became apparent there was a lot more to the story than that. She and her husband (who just grumbled about him being more trouble than he was worth and expensive from inside, never once did he poke his head out) couldn't keep him and she didn't have the heart to take him to the pound.

My husband and I walked away to talk about it and looking back at how sweet and gentle he was with the kids, there was no doubt he was coming home with us that night. He needed rescued and we needed to rescue him. When you take on an animal in that way, knowing he was unwanted, you never really know what you're getting into or what the whole story is. He came to be a member of this family in the summer of 2011 and it took a long time to unfold what we know. And yes, we had some moments along the way when we wondered if we did the right thing but we knew he belonged with us. (Even after we had a vet tell us we needed to have him put down because he was mean and would end up attacking one of our kids. True story. He's never ever tried to hurt either of them.)

One of the first things we learned about him is that he was petrified of men in leather work boots. Not just afraid, but downright petrified. He'd get aggressive (growling, barking and nipping at them) and then end up cowering and wetting himself in fear. Couple that with the fact that he had a bad hip, it wasn't too hard to figure out the sad connection. He was barely 6 months old when he came to live with that if that gives you any idea of what his earliest days must have been like.

We've never regretted bringing him home with us. He's been a good and loyal companion. Even as the kids have become teenagers, he's fiercely protective of them and our home. He's very much a part of this family. Like every living being, as age comes on so do aches and pains and slowing down. It's an unavoidable part of the life cycle. Our guy's bad hip continued to get worse over the years and there were days you could see the cringe on his face as he'd try to find a comfortable way to lay on it. It was heartbreaking. He has given us so many good years that is was well past time to try and find a way to make his senior years the reward he deserved. We've seen first-hand the healing properties of CBD in our lives so why wouldn't it work for animals too? We tried a couple of different products with him and they were just okay. They made a little difference, but not significantly. He didn't care for the flavor and it was hard to get him to take them (which is funny when you consider some of the weird things he eats). By happenchance, I came across Hemp My Pet.

I had a few conversations with the founder, asked a lot of questions and learned a tremendous amount from her. The more I talked to her, the more convinced I was that her products would be different. To solidify that, she sent me a box of samples to try. What company does that? That said more to me about her belief in her products than anything else could have.

I do not exaggerate when I say that one treat was a life changer. Within days of treating him with both the treats and the 1000mg Tincture, he was acting like a puppy. He was able to run and jump and play in a way that was pain-free. Something he'd gone nearly his whole life without being able to do. In days he went from being a &senior& dog to being an older dog with an entirely new lease on life.

It wasn't just the physical change, but his attitude changed too. Until you've seen it first-hand it's hard to really appreciate; his whole demeanor changed. He was happy. He had been happy before, but this was a different kind of happy. He wasn't hurting and grumpy (like anyone who has chronic pain) anymore. He was genuinely happy, peaceful and pain-free. Heck, he was even more patient with the ornery cat!

Is it inexpensive? No, we've tried some that were and we got what we paid for. Is it worth the money? Every single penny. I won't buy anything else for him anymore. He's given so many loyal, faithful years to us that it isn't hard to do the right thing for him. I wish I'd found the products sooner honestly.

If you have an older fur baby or one that has health issues of any kind, I cannot recommend these products enough. They changed his life. However many years we have left with him (he's nearly 10 years old now) I intend to do all that I can to make sure he's happy and comfortable. He's earned that.

Click Picture for More Information

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