Welcome to the Club Friends!

 Welcome to Kim Kulture Club Musings! I'm so happy that you've decided to join me on this journey. We're going to explore a lot ...

Re-purposing Done Right

We have some of the most incredible Hummingbirds in our back yard. It's funny how the more time you spend watching them, the more you start to notice their personalities. It's fun. They aren't "pets" by the standard use of the term, but in a way they become like pets. One of our favorite things to do (and if this makes us old farts, so be it) is sit outside and watch them at the feeder. It was a sad, sad day when the feeder we had up died. We were discussing needing to get a new one and debating on where to go or whether to order it online and then I saw it. Sitting on the counter was a very cool, empty rum bottle. Guess what? The base fit so WALLAH! You recycle or re-purpose your way, we'll do it our way. Ha ha!

Yes, the bottle was thoroughly cleaned and the birds are perfectly happy with it.

1 comment:

  1. I love my hummingbirds too! They're almost magical! Nice upcycle :)
