Welcome to the Club Friends!

 Welcome to Kim Kulture Club Musings! I'm so happy that you've decided to join me on this journey. We're going to explore a lot ...

What I Do & Why

It's time to answer some questions: who I am, what I do, how I do it and why...PLEASE hang tight through this - it's kind of a big deal.

Who I am: I am Kim. I am a lot of things. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a friend, a neighbor, a dreamer, a thinker, an adventurer, a reader, a writer, a photographer, a bargainista, a Disney lover, a chef, a creator, an explorer, an unfiltered free spirit, a realist, a visionary, a perpetual work in progress...and so much more. I have known happiness and gut-wrenching sorrow and I've learned from all of it. I am a constant evolution of my past, my present and my future self.

What I do: I have an amazing support system that supports me 110% as I'm pursuing the things that I'm passionate about. We are evolving the website to include the ability to purchase copies of my photos (with more things to come) and I do affiliate marketing to supplement that. (This is from an earlier post I did explaining what Affiliate Marketing is)

Affiliate Marketing isn't an effortless way to make money or a get rich quick gimmick. It's not multi-level marketing (MLM) or a pyramid scheme. It's not done in exchange for goods or products from the companies and it's not "extra spending money" or a "side hustle". I actually read something earlier today that referred to it as an "easy, passive way to make extra money."

When you see a disclaimer on a page about being an affiliate or earning a commission or even #ad that means you're looking at an affiliate listing. That's how you know (there are federal requirements to protect consumers and make sure the transactions are transparent). Bear in mind, I am also registered with the state and federal government as a business and have to do all the same reporting and taxes as any business.

Affiliate marketing, in a nutshell, is advertising. How?

I seek out different companies (sometimes they come to me), I research them and the programs they offer. I apply to each and they have the option based on my content, modes of advertising and audience whether or not to accept me into their program. (As do I when I'm approached by a company) Once we agree upon the terms, a contract is entered into.

When you see me share a deal, post a link to a product in something I've written, talk about a new partner, do a themed write up, review something or put an ad on the bottom or side of a webpage - that's me advertising for them. I also have a tab on my webpage for "Partners" and that's the current list of companies I've entered into a partnership with. (I keep it current and updated as I'm constantly looking at new opportunities and eliminating partnerships that aren't the right fit.)

When you click on the links I share, it takes you to the website for that company. Hidden deep down inside that link is an "identifier" that tells the site how you got to them. When you make a purchase, I get credit for the referral to their site. In exchange for that I earn a small commission off the sale. It doesn't cost you anything and you don't pay inflated prices because of the referral - it's their payment to me for advertising for them, just like any other advertising they'd pay for. 

Does it pay a lot? Well...there's a reason I am constantly asking for you to share my posts. I can't disclose specifics for legal reasons, but the amount they pay ranges anywhere from 1% to 30%. Sometimes there will be a specific "push" or item that pays more, but those are few and far between. It takes time to earn anything, but it all adds up. Eventually.

How long does that tracking link stay on your device? It depends. Some places (like Amazon) only count what a person does during that specific visit. Most run a couple of weeks to a couple of months. I have one that tracks for 6 months, but I have never seen anyone else offer that. That means if you visit that site anytime during that tracking period, I earn the commission for the follow up sale as well.

Another thing - going direct to the site? While I'm glad you find what you're looking for, that doesn't have a direct monetary benefit to me. Letting me know "I remembered you told me Disney was having a sale so I ordered" is great, but unless you click through one of my links to get there I don't get the credit for that sale. I may have done the leg work for them but without that magic link they don't know that. 

How I do what I do: I have four platforms that I am currently using.

    First and foremost, my website. I am my own webmaster and that's been trial by fire (a year ago I knew NOTHING about writing code), but I'm pretty proud of it. I add new content weekly (often several times a week)


Secondly, this blog. It's more of a place for the less-formal, less-structured web pages

Third, my Instagram page. Instagram doesn't allow for direct links in posts so that's been a challenge. Often you'll see "Link in Bio" because you can click on my Instagram bio and go to the website. Even with the quirks, I'd be foolish to ignore the Instagram pull though.


Finally, Facebook. Love it or hate it, it's still the best way to share those limited time deals and daily posts. FB is the only platform I use that you're going to find the Amazon deals on. It's the only one that you're going to find pop-up deals from our partners. I have a daily schedule of posts that I share on FB from the website. Facebook is the best way that I have to grow my audience, my visits, my interactions, my shares.


Why: I guess the bigger question would be "Why Not"? Yes, I work 12-16 hour days, 7 days a week without hardly ever taking a break but I get to do things I love. I've never worked harder in my life, but for the first time in my life I feel like that work matters. I've had some pretty crappy jobs and some even worse employers - I don't have that anymore. There is freedom, purpose, meaning and joy in what I do now.

Is it easy? Not even close. Is it frustrating? More than you can imagine. Is it rewarding? Absolutely. Do I miss working for someone else? (Pardon me while I choke on my laughter) Not a smidgen.

The nuts & bolts of the matter though: I need your help. Growth has to be constant and that's why I share things on my business FB page and my personal one and I'm always asking you to share. I have good content - I have the ability to be successful, but I need a broader audience. I'm finding that niche and I know full well that it takes time, but can you help? I will be forever grateful to those of you who have been so amazing about sharing my stuff and helping me network. Every referral, every share matters and is noticed. Every single one. I'm immensely grateful for those people who have reached out because they're getting ready to re-order with a company I partner with and asked me if they should go through my links. YES!!! PLEASE!!! Amazon, Disney, Fabric, Better World Books, Hemp My Pet, etc...every single one of them! You still get your deals and the benefits from your rewards on the sites that offer it and I get credit for the referral. Yes, it's an extra step for you but the boost it does for me is beyond measure. It's how I keep this dream alive.

Thank you for taking this leap of faith with me and the support you've shown. I notice and I appreciate each of you. I love feedback, I love to hear your thoughts and suggestions, I welcome the chance to grow this endeavor & I hope you'll stay on this train with me. I hope you bring friends too.

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!


On March 2, 1904 Theodore Geisel was born and today, we remember him and honor his innumerable contributions to literacy and the millions of lives he has helped influence with his writing. 

I have no problems declaring Dr. Seuss to be the most influential writer that has walked this earth. Every one of you reading this know him, his beautiful flowing rhymes, his whimsical characters, the spark of inspiration & imagination he gave and happy moments he brought to our childhoods and those of our posterity.

He was a favorite of mine and my children too. When my boys were little and they'd get tucked in at night, it was story time and their favorite was Dr. Seuss. In particular? We LOVED "Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!" Even now, when they're both teenagers I can recite a large portion of that book from memory.

He didn't just inspire a generation, he has inspired multiple generations and reminded all of us of some very important things:

    ~"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose."

    ~"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"

    ~"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

    ~"You'll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut."

    ~"You're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so...Get on your way!"

    ~"Today you are YOU, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!"

    ~"Don't give up. I believe in you all. A person's a person, no matter how small."

    ~"Will you succeed? Yes! You will indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent) Guaranteed!"

    ~"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."

    ~"Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!"

I hope that we, as a people, don't become so jaded by political correctness and looking for hate where it doesn't exist that we sacrifice the treasure that is Dr. Seuss. I am grateful for his influence in my life and my love of literature, prose and whimsy. I'm grateful for that same influence in my children's lives, too. He was a man who never had children of his own but he knew all that was good & great in this life could be found in the hearts of the children. He strove to teach all of us morals and lessons that might help us become better and make positive changes in this world.

Do yourself a favor, go read a Dr. Seuss story with someone you love today. Thank you Dr. Seuss.

Hot Chocolate


Pretty sure that smile says it all! Sometimes the only thing you need to fix whatever ails you is a good warm cup of hot chocolate. Were you aware that January 31st is set aside as National Hot Chocolate Day? Yes, it is. There's the excuse you were waiting for! (You're welcome!)

I know there are people that will argue that there's a difference between Cocoa and Hot Chocolate. Here's the truth: those people need to chill out and have a cup of whatever they want to call it. Ha! It's chocolate, it's made from cocoa beans and it's served hot. Same thing in my book.

To honor this day, I'm including our go-to recipes for Cocoa/Hot Chocolate. The first two are mixes. These are the kind that you make in bulk and store in an airtight container and use as you want. They make fantastic gifts too! A fancy jar with some homemade cocoa mix and a bottle of flavoring or a bag of marshmallows? Definite winner!

The third is a beautiful variation of the Cocoa you'll find at the Happiest Place on Earth.

All of these are basic recipes that don't require a lot of ingredients. They really are a blank slate that you can build upon. Like peppermint cocoa? Add Candy Canes or Peppermint Schnapps. Mexican Cocoa? Cinnamon & Cayenne. Coconut? Coconut syrup. The possibilities are endless and only limited by your imagination.

Bad Partner Experience

I wanted to take a few minutes tonight to share something that happened. It's kind of a new thing for me. I actually fired one of my affiliate partners today. There have been a handful along this path that we just weren't the right "fit" for each other so those were easy decisions to make. This was different.

This particular one was actually one of the first ones I added and I really loved their website. I used them in a lot of my posts (you can imagine how much painstaking work is going into "undoing" all of those tonight) and, in fact, I ordered Christmas presents from them. That's what did it.

When I went from "partner" to "customer" I got a real good look at what happens when they screw up an order. (I ordered 6 items, they only shipped 4) 6 weeks later the missing items are not coming and I've gotten about 35% of my money refunded. I've gotten the run around, calls & emails unanswered, been ignored and treated pretty lousy when I finally got a response. I expect better.

Most of my life I've worked with the public and one thing that speaks louder than the product is the service. Mistakes happen and that's okay, but when they happen fix them. It's that simple.

So my vow to you remains unchanged: I will provide you with partners that I feel are a good fit, provide good products or valuable services. If I ever find that one is not living up to the standards I feel they should, they're gone. The trust you have in me and my reputation are more important to me. I cannot, in good conscience, recommend a business that isn't up to my standards.

That being said, if you have a bad experience with one of my partners, let me know. Please reach out to me and let me know what happened. Many I have chosen from personal experience, the recommendation of a friend or family. The ones I'm just learning about I try to vet really well before I enter into a contract with them, but I'm human. I miss things. If something happens, I really do want to know. I want this to be a great experience for all of us and I need your help to do that.

Thank you!


I'm not a big proponent for "New Years Resolutions" but one thing I can appreciate is how it provides an opportunity for us to take a step back and evaluate things. We are about 6 months into this journey and, as you all know, we are constantly making changes. That's part of the process - figuring out what we think is working, might work or is an utter flop and moving forward.

I've been toying around with an idea for awhile, but wanted to get through the madness that is Christmas first. We have a lot of things in the works, but starting today you're going to start seeing a "Partner Spotlight" pop up on our social media posts. We're going to share 1 or 2 of these a day in the hopes of introducing you to one of the many incredible companies we've partnered up with. It gives us a chance to introduce them and tell you a bit about them, their story and why you should do business with them.

I'm going to start at the top and share them alphabetically (because that seemed the most senible way to do it) but as I complete the profiles they will all be available on the website. On the "Partners" tab on the site you will find their logos and a link to their site (that is always getting updated and will, in fact, be updated this morning again). On the "Deals" tab you'll be able to find a listing for each of them in the directory on the right. Each link will take you to a page just for them.

On the "Deals" tab you'll also find a weekly deals roundup that I will publish on Sunday or Monday each week. Throughout the week I will continue to share reminders about expiring deals or new ones that pop up mid-week, but those will be less frequent. 

I will continue to share a couple of Amazon deals on social media platforms daily. I've not shared as many of those recently because, frankly, there haven't been a lot of super duper deals they've offered with my promo codes. (I love a good bargain so you can be sure I'll keep watching those.)

The hope is that using this format will make things easier to maneuver. I struggle with "clutter" and sometimes feel that things get bogged down in it. This is the part where I encourage you to regularly check our website, bookmark it, make it a habit to see what's new. Need to buy something online? Click us first and let us help you find it.

Also, don't forget the other tabs on the website - there are some incredible recipes, idea, crafts and adventures to be found. Those are constantly being updated too. We've just barely scraped the tip of the iceberg with posts! Thank you for being here and sharing - without you and your support we can't keep this ship afloat.