Welcome to the Club Friends!

 Welcome to Kim Kulture Club Musings! I'm so happy that you've decided to join me on this journey. We're going to explore a lot ...

National Comic Book Day

 I'm a sucker for those "National Day" designations. They're silly and fun and we could all use a little more of that in our lives.  Who is your favorite comic book hero? I took a totally scientific poll (in our house) and these were our favorites:

Is It Too Soon To Plan A Disney Trip?

 I think I woke up this morning with a little bit of a bug. No, no, no...not the one that’s been all over the news for the first 712 months of this year...I woke up with a TRAVEL BUG!!!

So how early do you think is too early to start planning our next trip? Early in the year we were planning a trip to Disney to celebrate my parent’s 50th Anniversary. The plan was originally Disneyland for Halloween, but the kids worked on them and they agreed to Disney World & the cross-country trip that came with it. Enter the pandemic and the whole world shut down. I won’t get into the ins & outs of the decisions around the pandemic because that’s not relevant and this isn’t the place for it. Here we are many, many months later and I would love to start planning again. I’m, quite frankly, going a little stir crazy. Is it too soon to plan? Does anyone really know?

As you can imagine, I’ve been watching Disney World super close and from my perception it looks like they’ve gone above and beyond implementing safety measures. I’ve heard great things from people that have gone and had a wonderful experience. And I have to admit, I would LOVE to be in the parks when they’re less crowded than they usually are.

Our friends at Disney Food Blog are absolutely the epitome of knowledge when it comes to what’s happening at Disney World and right now is no different. If you’re even considering a trip, spend some time on their website or link into their youtube channel and watch some super fun videos. They sell some of the most amazing and THOROUGH travel guides (plus they’re super reasonably priced). Check them out here:

Even if you’re not planning a trip right away, it’s a lot of fun to read their books. And if you’re planning something “at some point” it’s never too early to start researching.

Ready to jump in and go? Awesome! Need a referral to do some price comparisons? Going direct through Disney is great, but I totally understand that’s not always an option and our friends at Undercover Tourist are a great alternative. They have some awesome deals and discounts.

Of course you can buy all sorts of souvenirs at the park, but I also like to over-plan things so I tend to pre-purchase some of the essentials to take with me. There are tons of options out there. Literally tons. Here's a few to get you started:

Matching Shirts

Olaf Backpack


The Child Hat

Maleficent Ears

If there's even the slightest chance of rain, take a poncho!

Need just a little more inspiration? Check out my amazing recipe that was inspired by everyone's favorite churros.
Kim's Kitchen Churros

Deep Dish Fresh Peach Pie

 Ever had one of those weeks where life just throws things at you in unexpected ways? Well that's been this week around here. Life is absolutely unpredictable and I've been reminded of that ten-fold this week. So....

Yesterday, my youngest son and I ended up helping my parents a little and one of the things we helped with was picking peaches that were literally falling off the tree they were so ripe. We brought a small bag of them home with us for eating. As we were leaving my dad was teasing me saying that they were going to end up in a pie as soon as my husband saw them.

Well...guess what happened? Ha ha! Yes, my dad was right. The absolute kicker though was that my mom hooked me up with some tapioca granules (my secret weapon for thickening my pies).

Let me tell you a story about tapioca. If you go into a store near you and find a box of small tapioca granules on the shelf, it's akin to finding a dinosaur bone right now! Tapioca is nowhere to be seen. I found some of the large tapioca pearls at a small specialty store, but not the small ones. They told me they had been unable to get tapioca (organic or non-organic) from any of their suppliers for months and they didn't anticipate that changing anytime in the foreseeable future. What??? I mean it IS 2020, but really? Tapioca. Toilet paper shortage, disinfectant shortage, hand sanitizer shortage, flour shortage, egg shortage...why not granulated tapioca too, right? Seriously though - I found some on Amazon but I've not seen it in the store in months. If you find some, buy it! 

Rough week, gorgeous sweet peaches, a box of tapioca...how could I say no?

Here is my recipe for Deep Dish Fresh Peach Pie. As you make it, please bear in mind that working with fresh fruit can be a challenge because sometimes you have to adjust ingredients. These peaches are incredibly juicy and sweet. If your peaches are a little more tart, add more sugar. If they don't have much juice for some reason, use less tapioca. Don't like Cinnamon? Don't have a deep dish pie plate? Cut down on the amount of peaches. The biggest lesson here is if you get the crust right, you can adjust the filling to your personal tastes. Trust your gut!

After the recipe, I'll also include a handy dandy list with some links to some of my favorite helpers on Amazon.

  • CRUST:

    • 2/3 C. Shortening (not butter)
    • 2 C. Flour
    • Pinch of Salt
    • 1/3 C. Water (more or less)

  • Using a pastry cutter combine Shortening, Flour & Salt until they work together into a crumbly mixture. Add water a little at a time and work dough together. I use 1/3 cup as a base and add a little if I need to in order to get it to stick together. Set aside.

    Preheat oven to 375


    8 C. Fresh Peeled, Sliced Peaches
    3/4 C. Sugar 
    3 T. Tapioca Granules
    1 tsp. Vanilla 
    1/2 tsp. Ground Cinnamon 
    Dash of Ground Cloves (no more than 1/8 tsp)

    In a bowl, toss Sliced Peaches with 3/4 C. Sugar, Tapioca, Vanilla, Cinnamon and Cloves. Set aside.

    On a lightly floured surface, roll out a little over half of the dough until it's large enough cover the bottom and sides of your pie plate. Put bottom dough in pie plate with edges over hanging. The easiest way I've found to get the crust into the plate is to gently fold it in half and just lift it. You can loosely fold again (into 1/4ths) if you need to. Gently form into pie plate.

    Put peach filling into pie plate. Set aside. 

    On your lightly floured surface, roll out top crust. Before putting top crust on filled bottom crust, run a thin layer of water over the edges of bottom crust. (The water acts as the glue that holds the top & bottom crust together.) Place top crust on filled base and crimp edges to seal.

  • Trim excess crust from edges of pie. I like to take the extra crust, roll it out and use a small cookie cutter (like a leaf or a heart or a star) and make shapes that I "glue" onto the top of the pie with a little water. Cut slits in top crust to allow for venting while it bakes.

  • TOP:

  • 1 Egg 
    1 T. Water 

  • In a small bowl or cup, whisk together Egg & 1 T. Water. Using a pastry brush or a clean paint brush, brush the egg wash all over the top crust and edges of pie. Sprinkle top lightly with sugar. 

    Bake for 50-55 minutes until filling is bubbling up through slits in the pie. You might want to bake it on a cookie sheet to catch any potential overflow. (It happens sometimes)

  • As hard as it will be, you have to wait for it to cool. I know...the smell is intoxicating and your mouth is watering. I get it. Here's what happens though if you don't let it cool, the tapioca needs a little time to set after it's out of the oven. That's the magic glue that holds the pie together and you have to give it a chance to make the magic happen. I mean, let's be honest. Sometimes you just can't help yourself and you "accidentally" cut into it when it's hot. Whoops...it'll still taste amazing, it'll just be runny. Cover it up with ice cream - problem solved.  

  • Here's a list for you of helpful resources:

  • Pastry Cutter 

  • Deep Dish Pie Plate

  • Marble Rolling Pin (Mine is over 30 years old)

  • Paring Knife

  • My Go-To Shortening

  • Tapioca Granules

  • My Favorite Cinnamon

  • Top Notch Vanilla

  • Pastry Brush

  • Pie Server

  • Pretty Dessert Bowls

  • And in case you need to see it one more time...

Vanilla Latte Sugar Scrub

It’s starting to feel an awful lot like Fall outside and that means weather changes. It’s crazy how much the weather can impact our skin, but it sure does. I’ve got a recipe for a super easy, super cleansing, super yummy scrub that can help with those colder weather issues. Plus, it’s a great way to wake up all of your senses in the morning!

Vanilla Latte Sugar Scrub

  • 1 C. Brown Sugar, loosely packed
  • ½ C. Coconut Oil
  • ½ C. Coffee Grounds (not used)
  • 2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
  • That’s seriously all there is to it. Mix all your ingredients in a bowl until well blended. Store in an airtight container. Use daily. If it solidifies while being stored (that happens sometimes) just use a fork in the container to break it up and stir.

    Easy Bath Salts

     The following recipe is one of my favorites for bath salts. It’s simple and as versatile as it gets. It’s a “basic” recipe that leaves a lot of room for interpretation, experimenting and trying new things. This is one you’ll definitely want to keep in your vault!

    1 C. Epsom Salts

    ½ C. Baking Soda

    5-10 Drops Essential Oils

    Colorant of Choice (add a few drops, mix and add as needed to get the desired color)

    1 T. Oil of Choice (I prefer Coconut, but you can use jojoba, almond or any carrier oil)

    Spices, Herbs, Dried Flowers, Colored Sea Salt (all optional)

    Mix everything together and store in an airtight container. 

    Use your imagination and test your boundaries. This is a FANTASTIC palette to try new things with. I’d love to hear what combinations you came up with!