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 Welcome to Kim Kulture Club Musings! I'm so happy that you've decided to join me on this journey. We're going to explore a lot ...

Halloween Cookies


One of our family traditions at Halloween is baking Halloween Cookies. It started when I was a child with my grandma and has continued through the years. Yes, there's plenty of sugar to be had on Halloween but there's something special about cookies.

Today we made 3 different kinds of cookies.

First, we did Chocolate Chip Cookies but used M&M's instead of chocolate chips. (Those M&Ms were CRAZY hard to find in the stores this year too!)

Secondly, you'll find Witch Fingers. I found this recipe years ago and it's one that's seen a few tweaks and changes along the way. They aren't nearly as gruesome as you might imagine. They're actually a really good Pecan Shortbread Cookie that could EASILY be transformed into any shape for any occasion.

Finally, the cookie that started it all. My grandma's Famous Sugar Cookies. No, it's not an exaggeration to call them famous. If you ever had the privilege to be on the receiving end of her baking, no explanation is needed. It's not an easy recipe (especially when you roll them instead of drop them) and the dough has been sitting in my fridge for 2 days chilling, but it's worth it. 

Whatever you're doing this Halloween Weekend with your family, have fun and be safe. Memories matter. 

Halloween Feast!

 It wouldn't be Halloween Time around here without some fun and silly traditions. Yes, of course, some of those involve food!

Want to really freak your family out? The first time I made this no one really knew what to think about it. It was cool and gross and yummy and creepy all at the same time. Did it taste amazing? You bet it did, but you had to get over the idea that you were eating nasty looking FEETLOAF!

I used the same meatloaf recipe I always make, but took some creative liberties with the presentation. Bloody (ketchup) Bones (Onion Slices) protruding from the feet & Toenails (onion) in need of a pedicure and Toe Jam (mustard).

To go with the Feetloaf, Scalloped Potatoes are always a winner. No, I didn't do anything weird to them although I did consider putting some green food coloring in them. (I'm not sure even I could choke that one down! Ha ha!)

Finally, for dessert? There are a TON of options, but tonight I did something simple but oh so delicious. I made my undisputed world's best Chocolate Chip Cookies and used Halloween M&Ms in them instead of chocolate chips.

Best Ever Chocolate Chip Cookies

Disney Inspired Cinnamon Rolls

 Sometimes, no matter how good your own recipe is, you just NEED something a little different. Today was a Cinnamon Roll kind of day and I tried a new recipe.

Normally I take a recipe, play around with it, rework it a little and make it "mine." Not this time. Our friends at Disney Food Blog shared "Walt Disney World's Main Street Bakery Cinnamon Rolls." This recipe is all them and needs not a smidgen of adjustment. It is SOOOOO good! (This recipe is straight off their web site - see below, under the pictures for some links)


Cinnamon Rolls

1/2 cup warm water
2 packages yeast
2 tablespoons sugar
1 (3 1/2 ounce) package instant vanilla pudding
2 cups milk
1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
2 large eggs, beaten
1 teaspoon salt
8 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup unsalted butter, melted
2 cups brown sugar
2 tablespoons cinnamon

Cream Cheese Frosting
1 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened (room temperature)
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
3 cups powdered sugar
2 tablespoons milk


Cinnamon Rolls

1. In small bowl, combine water, yeast, and sugar.
2. Stir until dissolved and set aside.
3. In large bowl, mix pudding according to package instructions with milk.
4. Add 1/2 cup melted butter, egg, and salt. Mix well, then add yeast mixture and blend well.
5. Gradually add flour and knead until smooth.
6. Place in a very large greased bowl.
7. Cover and let rise in a warm place until double in size.
8. Punch down and let rise again for second time.
9. Roll dough on a very large floured surface.
10. Dough should roll out to a long rectangle, about 34 x 21 inches in size.
11. Take the 1 cup of melted butter and use a pastry brush to spread over entire dough surface.
12. In small bowl, mix together the brown sugar and cinnamon.
13. Sprinkle over top of buttered dough. Roll dough up like a jelly roll.
14. Measure dough every 2 inches and cut with a knife.
15. Take each roll into the palm of your hand and gently pack the roll (this keeps it from coming apart during baking).
16. Place each roll in a buttered baking pan and allow to rise in a warm place for about 20 minutes.
17. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven until golden brown in color, about 15-20 minutes.
18. Frost rolls while still warm.

Cream Cheese Frosting

1. In mixing bowl, combine all ingredients and mix until smooth.
2. Spread on the very warm rolls.

You totally CAN cut this recipe in half, but why would you do that? Don't fool yourself - these will get gobbled up so fast! I got 19 out of the recipe when I made them today. Yes, they take a little work, but it's worth it. I promise.

Check out our Friends at Disney Food Blog for all things Park Related! (Including incredible food!)

National Comic Book Day

 I'm a sucker for those "National Day" designations. They're silly and fun and we could all use a little more of that in our lives.  Who is your favorite comic book hero? I took a totally scientific poll (in our house) and these were our favorites:

Is It Too Soon To Plan A Disney Trip?

 I think I woke up this morning with a little bit of a bug. No, no, no...not the one that’s been all over the news for the first 712 months of this year...I woke up with a TRAVEL BUG!!!

So how early do you think is too early to start planning our next trip? Early in the year we were planning a trip to Disney to celebrate my parent’s 50th Anniversary. The plan was originally Disneyland for Halloween, but the kids worked on them and they agreed to Disney World & the cross-country trip that came with it. Enter the pandemic and the whole world shut down. I won’t get into the ins & outs of the decisions around the pandemic because that’s not relevant and this isn’t the place for it. Here we are many, many months later and I would love to start planning again. I’m, quite frankly, going a little stir crazy. Is it too soon to plan? Does anyone really know?

As you can imagine, I’ve been watching Disney World super close and from my perception it looks like they’ve gone above and beyond implementing safety measures. I’ve heard great things from people that have gone and had a wonderful experience. And I have to admit, I would LOVE to be in the parks when they’re less crowded than they usually are.

Our friends at Disney Food Blog are absolutely the epitome of knowledge when it comes to what’s happening at Disney World and right now is no different. If you’re even considering a trip, spend some time on their website or link into their youtube channel and watch some super fun videos. They sell some of the most amazing and THOROUGH travel guides (plus they’re super reasonably priced). Check them out here:

Even if you’re not planning a trip right away, it’s a lot of fun to read their books. And if you’re planning something “at some point” it’s never too early to start researching.

Ready to jump in and go? Awesome! Need a referral to do some price comparisons? Going direct through Disney is great, but I totally understand that’s not always an option and our friends at Undercover Tourist are a great alternative. They have some awesome deals and discounts.

Of course you can buy all sorts of souvenirs at the park, but I also like to over-plan things so I tend to pre-purchase some of the essentials to take with me. There are tons of options out there. Literally tons. Here's a few to get you started:

Matching Shirts

Olaf Backpack


The Child Hat

Maleficent Ears

If there's even the slightest chance of rain, take a poncho!

Need just a little more inspiration? Check out my amazing recipe that was inspired by everyone's favorite churros.
Kim's Kitchen Churros