Welcome to the Club Friends!

 Welcome to Kim Kulture Club Musings! I'm so happy that you've decided to join me on this journey. We're going to explore a lot ...

Recipes, Recipes & More Recipes!

We have a New Years tradition that we've done for forever that, no real shock, involves food. (Don't most GREAT celebrations involve food in some way?)

Every year to usher out the old & welcome the new, we celebrate with appetizers & dips. The way it usually works is the appetizers come out the evening of New Years Eve and we graze on them that night and the next day too. (Sometimes even longer depending on how crazy overboard I've gone! Ha ha!)

2020 has been a ride in more ways than I can even wrap my head around so I am more than happy to bid this year a fond adieu. Do I think 2021 will usher in like some winged angel? No. I think it'll be more of the same, but at least there's a chance it'll be an improvement. That's enough for me at this point.

Here are some of our favorite savory appetizer & dip recipes. (There are lots of sweet options on the website too!!!!) Please make, share and enjoy!

Blessings for whatever comes next!

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