Welcome to the Club Friends!

 Welcome to Kim Kulture Club Musings! I'm so happy that you've decided to join me on this journey. We're going to explore a lot ...

National Chocolate Candy Day

Were you aware that December 28th is "National Chocolate Candy Day"? Yes, really. Apparently it was created to encourage massive consumption of "leftover" chocolate. 

First...what is this LEFTOVER CHOCOLATE they speak of? I've heard of leftover veggies or meat, but chocolate? Is that really a thing?

Secondly...the "experts" that declared this? They think a great way to celebrate it is to have a Chocolate Candy Tasting Party with your friends. Can we be honest? I love you guys but I'm not sharing my chocolate. Ha ha!

In honor of this day and to help you locate Chocolate Candy if you, like myself, are unfamiliar with the mythical beast known as leftovers chocolate, I've gathered some suggestions. 

By the way - this is a great time to pick up discounted candy! Most of which can be used for Valentine's Day. I'm not cheap, I'm resourceful.

Nightmare Before Christmas

Let me let you in on a little secret...this family LOVES The Nightmare Before Christmas. Like a lot. The music, the animation, the storyline, the characters...everything about it. And what makes it even better? When you decorate for Halloween, guess what? You get to leave those decorations up through Christmas. How can that be wrong? 

Another secret? I grew up with a mom who was a professional special events decorator so I'm kind of a "theme snob" when it comes to decor. Most things, no but something like decorating with a theme, yes. Thankfully, she's the same way. Ha ha! Enjoy some pictures of our homemade Nightmare decorations!

Dr. Finklestein

Yes, that's an outdoor projector

Because there HAS to be an inflatable

Jack Wreath

Lit up Jack Wreath

Jack Post

Lit up Jack Post

The Great Jack o'Lantern

The Great Jack o'Lantern lit up

Yes, that's a Lava Lamp with Santa tied to the top

30ish year old Mickey Village on the fireplace

Crocheted Goodness

I have a lot of crafts/arts I enjoy doing, but one thing I've never been able to master is crocheting. I've tried numerous times and failed miserably which is funny if you knew me. (I'm one of those weirdos that counts everything constantly - always have) Fortunately for me, I have an incredibly talented Mom. I would say that she is, easily, the most talented person I know on the face of this earth. She sees things as they could be, not necessarily how they are. (Where most people see a spoon, she sees 100 different ways to make that spoon into something new.) She always has an idea or craft or project on the back burner. 

I love that she can and does make these things. It's no exaggeration when I say I use the dishrags all the time. I have other ones stuffed in the bottom of a drawer that I will dig out and use if I have no other option, but I don't like to. 

There is nothing better than a hand crocheted scarf for those cold, blustery winter days and a fun hat to go with it.

And the ornaments? What a great way to use up odds and ends of yarn.

I have to share something about the ornaments. I knew she was working on them and when she sent me the picture of the wreath, I kid you not, I was transported way back in time at the sight of it. I was 7 or 8 years old maybe, wandering around the Grange Hall in the town I grew up in while my Grandma was visiting with her friends. I was gently touching and oohhing and aahhing at all the amazing homemade crafts and gifts at the Christmas Bazaar. Man how I loved that Christmas Bazaar!! (I can still smell the building if I try really hard) I VERY clearly remember these very ornaments hanging on a small tree on a long folding table and a sweet little old lady sitting there in a folding chair, quietly crocheting more. I cannot see her face though and it's driving me crazy. (Mom couldn't remember either) I have it narrowed down to 3 or 4 ladies I think it was, but I just can't remember. All of those sweet souls have moved on but for a few minutes, they were all very much alive in my memories.

I have been so blessed in my life to have known such talented people. It is my hope that by sharing these things, the traditions stay alive. If we've learned nothing this past year, I hope that we've learned how important our time, our gifts, our memories and our experiences are. I am honored to share these special crafts with you and I hope you make them and share them with your own families.

National Cookie Day

Did you know that apparently it's a rule that if it's National Cookie Day that you must make cookies? It is. When I mentioned the day, the first thing out of my oldest son's mouth was "That means you're making cookies, right?" Hem-hawing about the answer was unacceptable. So...you can probably guess what I'm doing today. Ha ha! (Sometimes I'm a push-over...shhhhhh...they don't know that...or do they...)

In honor of this glorious day, here are some of our favorite recipes that we'd love for you to make and share with your loved ones. (And some super cute cookie jars!)  Let us know if you do - comments, feedback, likes, shares & follows are always appreciated!

What is Affiliate Marketing

Over the last couple of weeks I've heard the question "What is an affiliate?" in various forms many, many times. I thought now might be a really great time to answer that for the ones that have asked, the conversations I've had and for those that have wondered but not asked. Let me see if I can help you gain a general understanding of what that means. 

First, I'd like to address a few things that it's NOT. Many of the same people had these questions too and that's okay. If you don't know, it's totally okay to ask. It isn't an effortless way to make money or a get rich quick gimmick. It's not multi-level marketing (MLM) or a pyramid scheme. It's not done in exchange for goods or products from the companies and it's not "extra spending money". I actually read something earlier today that referred to it as an "easy, passive way to make extra money." I literally laughed out loud. It's not easy and it's definitely not passive and in this household it's certainly not "extra" - it's what's keeping the heat on.

When you see a disclaimer on a page about being an affiliate or earning a commission or even #ad that means you're looking at an affiliate listing. That's how you know (there are federal requirements to protect consumers and make sure the transactions are transparent). Bear in mind, I am also registered with the state and federal government as a business and have to do all the same reporting and taxes as any business.

Affiliate marketing, in a nutshell, is advertising. How?

I seek out different companies (sometimes they come to me), I research them and the programs they offer. I apply to each and they have the option based on my content, modes of advertising and audience whether or not to accept me into their program. (As do I when I'm approached by a company) Once we agree upon the terms, a contract is entered into.

When you see me share a deal, post a link to a product in something I've written, talk about a new partner, do a themed write up, review something or put an ad on the bottom or side of a webpage - that's me advertising for them. I also have a tab on my webpage (kimkulture.club) for "Partners" and that's the current list of companies I've entered into a partnership with. (I keep it current and updated as I'm constantly looking at new opportunities and eliminating partnerships that aren't the right fit.)

When you click on the links I share, it takes you to the website for that company. Hidden deep down inside that link is an "identifier" that tells the site how you got to them. When you make a purchase, I get credit for the referral to their site. In exchange for that I earn a small commission off the sale. It doesn't cost you anything and you don't pay inflated prices because of the referral - it's their payment to me for advertising for them, just like any other advertising they'd pay for. 

Does it pay a lot? Well...there's a reason I am constantly asking for you to share my posts. I can't disclose specifics for legal reasons, but the amount they pay ranges anywhere from 1% to 30%. Sometimes there will be a specific "push" or item that pays more, but those are few and far between. It takes time to earn anything, but it all adds up.

How long does that tracking link stay on your device? It depends. Some places (like Amazon) only count what a person does during that specific visit. Most run a couple of weeks to a couple of months. I have one that tracks for 6 months, but I have never seen anyone else offer that. That means if you visit that site anytime during that tracking period, I earn the commission for the follow up sale as well.

Another thing - going direct to the site? While I'm glad you find what you're looking for, that doesn't have a direct monetary benefit to me. Letting me know "I remembered you told me Disney was having a sale so I ordered" is great, but unless you click through one of my links to get there I don't get the credit for that sale. I may have done the leg work for them but without that magic link they don't know that. 

You know I love a good deal. Do I get to take advantage of those sales too? Of course I do, but I don't earn commission on my own orders.  

When I started this I had a pretty good idea of what I was getting into. I grew up with parents that were self-employed so I know first-hand how hard it is. When it starts to come together it's unbelievably satisfying, but the countless hours, frustration, fears, doubts and never-ending work is real. It's hard. During the days leading up to Black Friday/Cyber Monday Week if I was sleeping 3 or 4 hours a night I'd be surprised. Spreadsheets, notes, metrics, projections, tracking and lists are everywhere! Most people who have whiteboards have those cute little ones they put notes on or maybe even one that they keep on the fridge. Mine? It's 4 foot x 4 foot and hangs on the wall by my desk. Yes, it's color coded and categorized too.

And that's not even including the content on the site or learning to build a webpage from the ground up and constantly updating that. Whew! "Easy & Passive" my butt!!!

So does that help? I want you to understand what I'm doing, how it works and why I'm doing things the way I am. I want you to understand why I ask for people to share things. There are some companies out there that won't give you a second glance if they think your audience is too small and that can get frustrating. You need an audience to grow your partner list, but you can't grow your audience without good partners. It's a weird dichotomy!